(O/S) Kokichi x E-Sports Gamer! Fem! Reader

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Requested by @_xKatarina. No killing game AU. Also, if I got anything wrong about League I am so so sorry ;-; Enjoy!
Fic title: Way Out Of Your League.


I played LoL. League of Legends. League. Whatever you wanted to call it.
I was actually the SHSL E-Sports Gamer. Lengthy title, I know.
At Hope's Peak, many people would ask me about why I was so good. Did I not have friends? No social life? How do you even get so good?
To answer the last question, at least, practice and sacrifice. Yep, I could definitely out that on a poster.
My few friends were Chihiro and Chiaki, simply because we were all massive geeks who'd rather die than eat alone. Tsumugi and Hifumi were also pretty cool, but they both seemed pretty busy with binging anime. Chihiro, Chiaki and I were way to busy playing games online to be bothered with that sort of stuff. Anime nerds and geeks can be very different from one another, and we vary from person to person. A lot of people don't understand this actually.
It was lunch, and I'd just finished eating. My friends and I were huddled up in the library, since it was snowing outside and insanely cold, and apparently the rest of the school had the same idea. Hundreds of students cramped into a tiny room with books and computers - what could possibly go wrong?
Chihiro was busy helping me mod the game, with Chiaki actively searching the internet for tournaments. Most of them were in the New Year, so that sort of fell flat on its face. Still, it'd be a good time to practice.
Then, a familiar loud-mouthed purple-haired demon poked his head from around a bookcase.
"Hey, N/N, what're you doing?"
Kokichi Oma, as annoying as he could be, was actually surprisingly quite smart. He was in my computer class and my maths class, and so we were becoming friends. Not as close as Chihiro and Chiaki, but getting closer.
"Looking for tournaments. Thinking up strats. You?"
"Reading!" He boasted.
"Kokichi, you're holding the book upside down."
He was smart but... he had his moments like everybody else does.
He flushed red and flipped the book over. "I'll turn you upside-down in a minute..." He grumbled.
"What does that even mean?!"
"Doesn't matter." He shrugged, putting his book down. "In truth, well, as truthful as I can be, I wanted to talk to you about that League game you always seem to be playing!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yeah. I wanted to have a go myself, since the SHSL Supreme Leader should always experience themselves in the interests of others."
"So you wanted to impress Y/N and court her by playing League super well?" Chihiro asked coyly.
"Yes, Fujisaki, if you'd excuse me."
I had the game on my computer already so Kokichi was already playing. Of course, he'd picked the first character on screen, had no clue what the controls were and started freaking out when people began attacking him. He was fully cursing by the end of the game, flailing his arms around and glaring at the screen.
I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's cool, maybe I could teach you some time."
"The SHSL Supreme Leader doesn't need your teachings!" He huffed defiantly.
I sighed, patting him on the back. "Sure you don't, shorty."
Then, an idea popped in my head.
I smirked. "I guess you could say I'm way out of your League."
"Oh my God."

Word count - 599.

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