General DRV3/WoH headcanons

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(No killing game)
Imagine that...
-Oma gets braces and desperately tries to hide them from Kiibo out of fear of teasing, but when he inevitably finds out, Kiibo just chuckles and says how it was more funny watching him hide the braces.
-Gonta goes to animal sanctuaries with Gundam but gets really sad when there are more hamsters than bugs.
-Ryoma takes swimming lessons but gets mistaken for a little kid and put in the little kid group.
-Tenko and Himiko try to swap talents for the day, but Himiko secretly gives up while Tenko tries to learn magic. It takes a lot of hugging to make it up to Tenko.
-Angie gets into a lot of fandoms, but Atua stops her from reading lemons or anything weird.
-Tsmugi helps tailor Korekiyo a new outfit to help him distance himself from his sister.
-Shuichi goes hat shopping every weekend with Kaede.
-Kaito often goes to huge parties to get drunk to procrastinate astronaut training, and uses the excuse that he 'looked up at the moon before passing out, so he did do something'.
-Maki teaches self-defence to the vulnerable.
-Amami never goes out to anywhere other than the local library. Never.
-Miu has a crush on Kiibo and tries to impress him by adding new and cool functions to him, however this backfires and makes Kiibo think he's not good enough (bonus: when Kiibo sees Oma's braces, he realises that even the proudest and loudest of people had little quirks and realised his feelings for Miu).
-Kirumi adopts the Warriors Of Hope.

SPEAKING OF THE WARRIORS OF HOPE, in the non killing AU I think that they'd be a small unofficial club in the school who try to skip classes without getting caught. Also, imagine...
-Masaru with braces.
-Monaca trying to dye her hair, only to be forced to get Kotoko to help her.
-Nagisa studies with Jataro all the time in the library

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