(O/S) Fuyuhiko x Child! Reader

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Requested by @UltimateSweetheart. Platonic, obviously, and a non killing game AU. Enjoy!
Fic title: C o o k i e s .

Third Person POV

Sonia had a little sibling called Y/N. And she was a princess with a good amount of cash to her name. And she needed a babysitter.
Fuyuhiko didn't care if he had a reputation as a member of the Yakuza. He wanted a chunk of that money. Plus, hey, it was an excuse to spend the day at home.
He'd prepared whatever he could think of at the time. Snacks, juice, a Disney movie which Y/N could watch while he went upstairs and did something else.
The doorbell rang at around eight thirty pm. Already half an hour late but whatever. Less time with the little gremlin.
Sonia briefly thanked him and sauntered off, leaving Y/N staring up at Fuyuhiko curiously.
"You're the big bad yakuza guy?"
Fuyuhiko wasn't sure wether to feel proud or embarrassed.
"...Yes?" He rephrased it, more certain this time. "Yes. Yes I am."
"You look like the boss baby."
There was a pause. She was still in his front doorway. He should have just slammed the door in her face right then and there.
He huffed. "Look, kid, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm being paid to look after you. If I let you stay up later than normal, you have to keep quiet about it to Sonia and also make my job easier." He turned around and went to grab something to eat from the kitchen.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, crossing their arms. "Hm... can we sweeten the deal?"
Fuyuhiko stopped in his tracks, turning in the doorway. This kid was trying to negotiate with him? The head of the yakuza? He sighed, then decided to humour them.
"Alright, what did you have in mind?" He would have sworn but he remembered that this was Sonia's sibling. He'd be dead in a heartbeat and have his corpse thrown in a ditch.
"I want to stay up and watch a movie, be allowed to eat as many snacks as I want, and..." they glanced around the room, thoughtfully, "...in exchange I will make your job easier, not tell Sonia, and show you the secret stash of cookies under my bed! Do we have a deal?"
Oh, they knew his weakness. They got him good.
"Fried dough?" His voice almost cracked with emotion. Jesus, he was going to break into tears over cookies.
Y/N smirked. "All the fried dough a man could ask for." They slowly spread out their arms as if the cookies would appear before them, as if they just knew Fuyuhiko wouldn't be able to pass up an opportunity like this. They'd asked Sonia about Fuyuhiko a lot. They wanted to be the Ultimate Con Artist when they grew up, so they practiced manipulation on the daily. Nothing terrible, just getting an extra cookie or a few more hours awake.
Fuyuhiko stuck out a hand. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal."
They shook on it firmly.
Even if it was a negation between a member of the yakuza and some six-year-old, they had no reason to make it unprofessional.
They ended up watching f/f (favourite film) with a ton of snacks surrounding them. Y/N had fallen asleep by the second act. Fuyuhiko watched still, snacking.
Then, he remembered.
He shook Y/N awake. "Hey, hey, where is your stash?"
They grinned, stretching. "I'll show you."
They lead Fuyuhiko upstairs and to their bedroom, pulling out a tub.
"Tada!"they revealed, with a slight flourish, a Tupperware tub filled to the brim with cookies.
Fuyuhiko went to grab one (or, more accurately, a handful), when his hand was batted away.
With a shit-eating grin on their face, Y/N said, "Hey, hey, no! I said I'd show you the stash, not that you could have any."
Fuyuhiko narrowed his eyes at them. He was too tired to be angry. If anything he was impressed. "Get the fuck in bed."
"I figured you'd say that. Thanks for taking care of me, though. Night."

Fuyuhiko and Y/N actually became good friends. The member of the yakuza and the wannabe con artist. It sounded like a novel. He was like an older brother to them, teaching them things while they got him his beloved cookies.
Before he knew it, Y/N was graduating from Hope's Peak as...
...the Ultimate Negotiator.
See, Y/N conned because she knew no other way of how to get things. Then, Fuyu taught her the art of negotiating.
They realised that they didn't have to cheat their way out of any situation and changed their ambitions. All because of Fuyuhiko.
Fuyuhiko was late to her ceremony. He had business with the Yakuza. He arrived with a strangely red shirt.
Let's just say the people he dealt with knew where Y/N was and knew how close they were with Fuyuhiko. And how great a reason they'd be for Fuyu not to resist. "If you want them alive, comply."
Of course, he found his way around it, a gory one though,p.
Y/N hugged him so tightly when they saw him. And then, she pulled away suddenly. "Fuyu, I've got something for you."
"Don't ask about the blood."
"I wasn't going to. Be right back."
She was gone for five minutes.
With a plastic Tupperware tub in her arms.
"I figured I'd repay you for all of those cookies I kept from you when we first met. And I became friends with the Ultimate Baker. Go to town, Boss Baby."
In any other situation, Fuyuhiko would have floored them. But in this one, he hugged Y/N tightly.
They shared the cookies, in the end. They went to his house and watched f/f (favourite film).
And God were the cookies good.

Word count - 990.

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