(O/S) Nagito x Reader x Hinata

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Let's experiment with this one, shall we? Also I wrote a 1200 shot for this but then I accidentally deleted it so I'm crying rn lol.
Fic title: idfk


"Hey, Nagito!" I called out to my white-haired friend, running across the beach to meet him. He returned my greeting with a sweet smile, but turned away from my and started to saunter away.
"N-Nagito? Is something wrong?"
"Oh, you actually want to talk to trash like me. I... figured you were just being nice."
"Don't say that about yourself!"
I playfully punched him in the arm, and he flinched. The salty breeze was at least a bit reassuring, despite the... current circumstances. The circumstances being Teruteru's untimely execution, and by extension Byakuya's demise. I couldn't help but scowl at the memory, the fact that Nagito, who both I and Hinata (another close friend of mine) trusted.
"God, why am I so drawn to you?" I growled with a bit of regret, my happiness fading into a pit of despair. Nagito, no matter how unique he was, would always be recognised as the potential killer of Byakuya. So why couldn't I just let him go already?!
"I... ask myself that every day." He smiled at his hand, then at me. He was quick to flick his gaze back to his hand. "However, I just want you to know that I'd protect you if anyone even lay a finger on you."
The way his eyes clouded over, folding in on themselves like intricate origami, was enough to make me want to escape from whatever he had gotten me into.
But, for a reason unknown to me even now, I sat down with him on the beach and let the sounds of the world wash over me.

Nagito's POV

Trash such as myself didn't deserve such a talented human so close to me. I could hardly blame her for wanting to escape my selfishness, but I wasn't ready to give her up. Not yet. I wasn't finished.
The sand was soft under my palm, which was resting besides my sitting body to support myself, and I closed my eyes. I was silently praying that my eyes didn't scare her. The last thing I wanted was to scare her away.
"Oh, Nagito, Y/N, I've been looking for you."
I recognised the voice in an instant.
I quickly opened my eyes and spotted him - Hajime Hinata.
"Oh, Haji, hey. Wanna join us?" Y/N welcomed a bit too quickly. Wait... she didn't want to be alone with me, did she?
I suppressed my anger, desperately trying to remind myself that Hajime wasn't a bad person, he just decided to check up on us at the wrong time, but my mind kept telling me the same thing.
Make him leave. Make him leave. He'll take her away. You can't be alone again.
"Hinata, leave." I kept my gaze fixed on the ever-moving horizon of the sea.
His olive eyes stared at me, and I could feel my blood boil beneath my pale skin. "But I just got here?"
"Come on, N-Nagito, he can stay..." Y/N mumbled, not looking up at me. It was a shame; I loved the way her e/c eyes glinted. However, I couldn't let her despair because of Hajime. You could argue that she was despairing by remaininh close to me, but I could bring her hope. With my luck, it was destined to happen.
"Hinata, I'll ask nicely one more time." I took my slightly sandy hand and grabbed his pine-coloured tie. "Leave me and Y/N alone."
"Or you'll what?"

Hajime's POV

I don't know why I said what I did, especially since I knew what Komaeda was capable of plotting, but I just wanted to keep Y/N safe. I felt that it was obligatory of me to do so.
He cast me a sardonic look. "Such symbols of hope falling into such mind-numbing despair."
At first I couldn't comprehend what he was insinuating, until I realised he was calling both myself and Y/N stupid and despair-filled. I swallowed my rage and took Y/N's wrist, pulling her up from the sand and hastily walking away. She hardly objected.
"Thank you." I barely heard her whisper over the crashing ocean.
It took me a second to realise just how heavy I was breathing. Was I really that desperate to get her away that I was on the verge of a stroke? "N-No problem..." I replied after gulping for air. "B-But why didn't you leave him when you realised what he planned?"
"I was just scared... I couldn't. I couldn't let him be alone." She sighed, as we slowly sauntered off of the beach. It was too late to be out without looking suspicious.
"Just... come on." I smiled, making beeline for the cabins. "We should stick together for the night, just in case Nagito tries to pull anything."
She gave me a confused look, and I thought over my words again.
She placed her hand over her mouth. Was she crying? No, wait... she was laughing.
"I-I know you didn't mean anything weird by what you said." She chuckled, barely stifling her amusement. "I'd actually prefer to stay with you for now, if it's cool with you."
I felt my face heat up. "S-Sure, that's fine."
I unlocked the door to my cabin and welcomed her inside.
Neither of us would be able to sleep, both of us knew that, so we sat on my bed and fell into long conversations. She was so interesting. I wished that she didn't feel obligated to hang around Nagito; he was hurting her mentality.
However, when she looked really tired, I left her to sleep on my bed and passed out on the floor.

Nagito's Ending (Y/N's POV)

All I saw was darkness. It was choking, terrifying, and all I wanted was to get out.
"You don't need him anymore." Lights throbbed on. I was in a cabin on a bed, but neither mine nor Hajime's. This had to be a joke. A prank. No way was this real. Was I being murdered? Tortured? I had no clue.
I saw the distinguishing ivory hair, messier than usual, and the piercing swirling eyes of Nagito Komaeda.
Instinctively, I yelled. I cried. I stared at my lap as I did this, as to not give the psychopath ahead of me the false impression that I was interested.
"Don't cry, you're safe now."
"S-Safe?! Safe from what?!"
"Safe from the others. The others who were trying to hurt you."
"Did you... Did you kill them?!"
"I did. Now we can explore this island together, live in peace and solitude. You'll become hopeful again because of me."
All I could picture was all of my peers' bloody corpses. Hajime's stood out. What had happened to the lump of trash that I'd loved?

Hajime's Ending (Y/N's POV)

Getting over Komaeda took some time, but Hinata really helped. The brunette would keep me social by inviting me to hang out with large groups during free time so that Nagito couldn't get close to me again. When I realised I had feelings for him, I asked him out. He said yes, and we've been happy ever since.
However, sometimes, I'd meet up with Nagito at night. Not for anything weird, just to talk. I just couldn't help it.
One evening, Hajime found out. He was surprisingly calm when I confessed that I was still fawning over the psycho.
I cried a lot that night. It made me feel better, and that's all I could ask for. Hinata was truly someone special.

Word count - 1378.

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