(O/S) Gonta x SHSL Zoologist! Reader

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Bug boi needs a fic. Bug boi gets a fic. Enjoy! Killing AU. Also, Gonta's grammar is hopefully going to make a bit more sense here than in the game.
Fic title: Butterflies...


I wish I could lie and say that the fear didn't strike me. It struck me. It struck me so hard that I nearly fell over when that bear, that interesting specimen of bear, demanded that we killed eachother.
Of course, despite this - despite everything - I tried to keep everyone preoccupied in attempts to stop a killing. How did I keep myself preoccupied? Well, I mostly stayed in my Ultimate Lab with all of the little animals that Monokuma (or Dickius Headiums as I've named his species) had so 'kindly' let me keep in my little world. That's what my lab was to me; my entire world.
Four deaths. Three executions. Each gorier than the last.
Scared, so scared, I'd tried surrounding myself with positive people.
Gonta was one of them.
It was late at night, and I was overworking myself as per usual, busying myself away like a bee in my lab, observing a rabbit to check that all was well with it.
One, two, three knocks.
"Hello? It's awfully late to be awake." I called out, quietly grabbing one of my animal nooses (a device which I could use to grab my potential killer by their necks and hold them down) just in case. In case you think I couldn't wrestle someone to the floor, trust me, I've had plenty of tussles with bears and lions. This was practically nothing compared to that.
Slowly I crept to the door, only to hear the cheerful voice of Gonta Gokuhara on the other side.
"Ah! Y/n-san, Gonta sees you're still awake."
My grip loosened on the metal pole. Was I really clutching it that hard? My knuckles were a bright white, so my guess was a solid 'yes'.
"Just a sec, Gonta!"
I quickly unlocked the door to see Gonta's tall figure, his hair like leaves and his stature like that of a strong oak tree.
"Hey, sorry, I was just in the middle of working. Was there something that you needed?" I tried to return a bright smile, but he saw through my easy-going facade quickly.
"Are you okay? Gonta thinks you look a bit nervous. Did Gonta scare you?"
"No no no!" I quickly spluttered out before I could upset the entomologist. "Did you come over for anything, or...?"
"Well, Gonta just wanted to see your Lab, if that's okay."
"Um, sure! C-Come on in!"
I felt a familiar flustered feeling in my chest, butterflies flapping around in my stomach as my face grew warm. I'd had a small feeling I'd develop 'feelings' (for lack of a better term) for the bug-loving student, however it was never my instinct to act upon them.
"Oh, right." I stepped out of Gonta's way so he could properly see my Lab. He glanced around, readjusting his glasses to get a good look at the place. An impressed (or rather bewildered) look cast upon his face.
"This Ultimate Lab is so interesting. Do you... perhaps... keep bugs here?"
"I do, yes, they're over here."
Striding down to a pile of containers, I sat down and crossed my legs as I sorted through the mismatched collection of bugs and rodents. He soon joined me, kneeling with his eyes set on the containers.
I found a few cicadas, a stick figure and a pair of mantises.
Gonta's eyes grew wide, and he smiled. "Gonta knows these are common bugs, but how did you keep them so healthy looking?"
I simpered slightly. "I'm sure you've heard of the old trick with the types of leaves you feed them?"
"Oh, Gonta's heard of that before, but Gonta was scared to try it in case it hurt any of his bugs." He paused, staring at me for a second.
"Ah! Sorry. It's getting late. Gonta should be going now."
He stood up from his kneeling position, smiling at me warmly. "May we do this again? At Gonta's Lab?"
I nodded. "Definitely."

After catching a few winks of sleep and returning to my Ultimate Lab, everything went to chaos.
The room was splattered in black paint, the pink stains of neon slashed along the walls. My animals, my only friends that I could depend on to stay alive, had perished, mutilated and cut up.
I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming.
In a mixture of both inky paint and blood, there was a message.

Only I can use Gonta. He is only mine to be used. He's a pawn in my game. Stop getting in my way.

It was scrawled roughly across the wall with a praying mantis crucified into the wall with sewing pins. The second praying mantis was praying for it's friend from below.
The only survivor.
Though the words would not stop pestering me, I decided to keep quiet. The messenger could hurt me if he found out. But, for Gonta's safety, I decided to tell him.
"Gonta," I said after breakfast, soon finding the olive-haired student in the courtyard. "I need to tell you something very important."
"What is it?"
"I think you're being targeted for murder."

Gonta was cautious, but not cautious enough.
It was mostly my fault; I'd implanted the idea that Gonta was being targeted for murder when it was quite the opposite.
He was a murderer.
I tried so hard to defend him when his trial inevitably came.
Befre Gonta was torn from our group and crusified before us, I yelled.
"I-I love you Gonta! I love you more than anything else in the world!"
I swear that he said "Gonta loves you too, Y/N..." under his breath.
As that huge wasp stabbed him in the chest, I cried quietly, "You gave me butterflies..."

Word count - 999.

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