(O/S) Kiibo x Oma x Shuichi x Rantaro

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First poly ship! Hoorayyyyy! No killing game AU, and just a quick fluffy fic ☺️
Enjoy lol
Fic title: Flour Fight

Rantaro was always a fan of baking. He knew exactly what he was doing, and enjoyed the tranquility of it all. Shuichi, though not nearly as savvy, still partook in the hobby to make one of his boyfriends happy.
However, sometimes Kiibo and Oma would join in out of either jealousy or simply wanting to join in, and all of that calmness would jump out of the window and hit rock bottom.
"Oma, put the sugar down and pass me the whisk." The avocado-haired male instructed. He looked calm, but on the inside his blood was boiling. Living with a ton of siblings helped you mask how frustrated you could get.
The shortest of all of the boyfriends was eating sugar from the bag, while Kiibo was trying to pry it out of his hands. "Oma, come on, baby—"
His grip released, and he fell backwards onto the cold laminate floor.
Mortified, Shuichi flew to his side and asked if he was okay. And what did the mini dictator do?
He stood up, giggling like a madman and dashing around the kitchen.
The dreaded sugar rush.
Kiibo tried to press him against the wall, but Oma was too lithe to be caught so easily.
"Okay, time for Plan B™️." Was all Kiibo said, and he left for the living room, faking a few sobs.
In an instant, Kokichi was bawling about how sorry he was, begging on his knees. The white-haired robot patted his head gently, and then tackled him to the floor and pinned him down.
"Y-You tricked me!" Oma said through sobs. The flicker of a smile on his face was enough for the boyfriends to know that they'd screwed up. He threw Kiibo off of him and ran back into the kitchen, where Rantaro was sighing heavily and stirring a cake mixture.
A cloud of white filled his vision.
He inhaled, ready to sigh again, only to cut himself off in a fit of coughing.
Oma had thrown flour in his face,
Amami, now ditched the calm and collected act, picked up another bag of flour and dumped a handful on Kokichi's head (it was truly a wonder what height could achieve).
By the end of it, all four of the boyfriends were throwing baking supplies at each other, before Oma finally passed out from the sugar crash.
Everyone else cleaned up and they all lay in the living room with a baking show playing softly in the background.

Word count - 437.

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