(S) The DRV1 boys find out you get bullied

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Requested by xXBlankAestheticXx
Sorry if this is bad, it's my first attempt at a boyfriend scenario. The S stands for scenario btw lol. Also, this took WAYY too long and I'm so sorry ;-; Enjoy nevertheless!

Hagakure Yasahiru

"Hey! Hiro!" You called, excitedly. "What's up?"
The brown haired student turned to look at you, before smiling cheerfully. "Nothing much, just using my crystal ball." He tossed it from one hand to another, nearly dropping it in the process. You just caught it, millimetres from the ground, and returned it to him. "Please be more careful with it. Didn't that cost half of your college fund?"
"Ha ha, sorry..." He chuckled, nervously.
You spotted a group of students you'd never really talked to.
"Dare you to talk to them."
"Go on, do it. It'll be funny."
"I don't see how, but... okay."
Reluctantly, you made your way over to the girls. They started to laugh.
You turned around to see if there was something behind you that was funny, but then you noticed that they were all staring at you.
"Is it true that you sleep with people for money? That's pretty screwed up, lowlife." The assumed leader asked through her laughing fit.
"What?" I shot back, stunned. "Oh, n-no no no, I think you've got me confused with someone—"
Another one of the girls began to circle you. "Y/N L/N, huh? I don't know why guys are flocking to you so frequently."
You took a step back, shaking your head. "No, you've g-got it all wrong!" You were chuckling slightly. What kind of a sick prank was this?
"Aren't you with Hiro? That's a bit twisted." Another student said.
"How did you even get with someone like him?"
"I would say she slept with him and forced him into it, but who'd give into a bribe like THAT! I mean, come on, this is Y/N L/N we're talking about!"
You felt a hand on your shoulder.
"We'll be going, thanks."
He was still smiling as he pulled you away, but he was shaking with anger.
Funny how the girls went missing the next day...?

Leon Kuwata

You two had been dating for a while, and you had made a plan to always walk home from school together.
It was just after school, so you were collecting your things when Junko Enoshima approached you. At first you simply smiled at her before continuing to pack up your things.
She grabbed one of your books and read the extract on the back in a mocking voice.
"I'm surprised that a little slut like you reads books as nerdy as this." She shoved the book to your chest and strutted off.
Of course, you didn't take the words to heart at first. You didn't talk to Leon, and things stayed relatively normal.
Then, she got more people involved. Things slowly got more personal, talking about how you were cheating on Leon and how he hated you deep down. How he was tired of you.
This started to seep into your self image and bummed you out. So, one afternoon after school, you didn't wait for Leon.
This didn't turn our as you'd expected.
Your street was a few blocks away, and you heard snickering behind you. Enoshima and her group of mindless lackeys started approaching, and you mentally screamed at yourself to walk faster or call Leon. However, then you figured that Leon wouldn't care.
"What's the rush, N/N?" Enoshima had snickered. "Looking for Leon? Please, he wouldn't love a nerdy slut like you." She punctuated the last sentence with a shove.
"Knock it off." A stern voice came from behind Junko. Her pink-blonde hair hit you in the face as she turned to see who'd spoken.
It was none other than Leon Kuwata, a baseball bat resting on his shoulder. "I wonder where I'd hide a corpse like yours..." he mumbled slightly, not breaking eye contact with Enoshima.
The (probably) insane girl laughed in his face. "You wouldn't dare kill me."
He swung the bat millimetres from her face. "Try me, asshole."
That was enough for Junko to run away.
He turned to you. "Why didn't you tell me?"
You didn't reply. You two just hugged and smiled at each other.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka

It's self-explanatory that dating a morally-correct person would earn you a few bullies. Nothing major, since everyone in your class was well aware that Ishimaru actually had a very interesting personality, but enough to make your self-esteem drop. Celeste, one of your close friends, was waiting for you in the courtyard, sitting on a small wooden bench.
"Y/N," she smiled. Her expression soon faltered. "I feel like I should tell you about something I saw online yesterday evening."
Setting your bag down next to you, you sat on the bench.
"I saw people talking about you behind your back. More specifically, talking about how Ishimaru shouldn't be 'dating such scum'. Ishimaru hasn't found it yet, I don't think, but I felt like you should know."
Letting the information settle in your mind, you asked, "Do you have screenshots?"
"I do, yes." She got out her phone and showed images of messages on the school's social media page.
Why is Y/N dating Ishimaru?
Didn't she sleep with someone else?
For someone so moral, Ishimaru sure has lowered his standards...
The comment kept coming, flooding your mind.
I mean, I think they should break up.
She's ugly anyway, I don't think Maru would care.
Plus she has the personality of a cardboard box.
"L/N, dear, are you alright?" Celes spoke with the empathy of a saint.
"Y-Yes." You stammered. "I just need the bathroom."
Without thinking, you left the courtyard, and ran to the bathroom. People laughed as they saw you. Come to think of it, they'd been laughing all day. You'd just assumed that there was an inside joke.
There was an inside joke - it just was cruel and unfunny.
"Hey! No running in the—?" The Ultimate Moral Compass cut himself off as you slowed, recognising your face. "N/N! Hey!"
"Oh, Ishimaru... hi!" You tried to sound peppy, but the words kept coming back.
"I haven't seen you. Are you okay?"
"Fine, yes. If you'll excuse me..." You were quick to move past him and speed-walk to the bathroom.
Alarm bells were ringing in his head. It wasn't like you to leave so abruptly.
So, when you two walked home from school together, he prompted you to talk.
"Nothing, it's just..." You paused. Then, you spilled everything you knew, along with a few tears.
He managed to pull a few strings and got the bullies excluded for bullying, as well as other acts they'd been caught for doing.

Mokoto Naegi

You were bullied. It pissed you off.
It was after class one day and you were moving to your next lesson. When you arrived there, you saw a white lily placed on the desk.
You stared at the lily for a second.
On the petals, someone wrote notes.
He's mine.
He's mine.
He's mine.
It was just an endless whirlpool of the same message. If there was empty space, it had been filled in.
Of course, you consider telling Ishimaru or a teacher, but you shake the thought. That would basically be suicide.
You took the lily and placed it gently in your bag. You don't know why you didn't just throw it in the trash, but you kept it nice and safe in your bag.
You finished the lesson as usual, before seeing your boyfriend Naegi approach you.
"Hey Y/N." He smiled slightly.
"Oh, Naegi, hey." You replied, picking up your books from your desk and placing them in your bag. For some reason, you were careful not to crush the lily.
From across the class, a student who. You barely spoke to was staring at you. Her eyes were as empty as a void, and she snapped her gaze away from you. Kirigiri... Kirigiri something. You didn't know her last name.
"Y/N? Hello?" Mokoto was waving his hand in front of your eyes, and reality hit you. "Come on," he urged, walking out of the classroom, "Let's get lunch."
The penny only really dropped for you after you were halfway through your bento - Kirigiri Whatever-her-last-name-was wanted Naegi.
That would explain the lily.
The next day, a bouquet of white lilies were placed on your desk. The teacher (niave as they were) thought it was a resent of some sort, and let it be.
When you sat down to it, you noticed the petals were blank this time. A note was tied to the stems of the lilies.
I know who you are. I know a lot about you. Let me have Naegi and this whole thing can go bye-bye. We can keep this civil. If you wish to be stupid and keep him for yourself, so be it. I'll just make your life a living Hell.
A girl you've never met.
You looked over at Kirigiri - she didn't emote.
"Hey, Y/N!" Naegi smiled at you. He noticed the lilies.
And the handwriting.
Let's just say Kirigiri didn't come in the next day.


You never really went to Togami about your problems. You were both caring for each other, yes, but for every kind word you exchanged there would be an urge to stop talking about emotions. It made you both uncomfortable, plain and simple.
One evening, you noticed people talking behind your back. They called you fat and ugly, various other names.
And for the first time, you took it to heart.
One evening you were studying for an upcoming mock exam. You took a sip of your coffee.
"Y/N, why didn't you mention the group of low-lives accusing you of non-existent faults?"
You almost spat it out (but you didn't because you didn't feel like paying for his expensive-ass carpet).
"Wh-What? How did you kn—"
"I saw them the other day. Don't fret, such low-lives shouldn't impact your valuable life anyway. And if they do, I'll sue them for every penny in their pocket."
Swallowing at the strong words, you continued to study, reassured.

Mondo Owada

You had always been bullied.
Mondo knew this.
One day it got particularly bad when you were grabbing a bite to eat after school. You were meeting up with Mondo, but he hadn't arrived.
A girl from your school who you'd barely spoken to approached you, and took the f/f out of your hand.
"You won't need this, fatty."
As if on cue, Mondo was behind her.
"Don't talk in the third person, it's weird." Was all he said.
I actually really hate this one—


When you told him about being bullied, you swear you saw him smirk.
He simply asked for names, and you gave them.
"Oh, hey Ya-" He cut off the girl with a punch in the face.


You two were programming nerds. You were both bullied quite a bit, so you supported each other as much as you could. However, the words really started to impact you.
When Chihiro noticed your lack of spirit, he asked what was up.
"I just... I don't know. I just hate all the bullying and crap..."
His breath hitched slightly, before smiling. "Well, it's clear they're jealous of you!"
"Who would be jealous of me? I'm just... me."
"The better question is, who wouldn't be jealous of you? You're smart and kind and witty, so don't let them get you down."
His smile was the best thing about the story.

((PLEASE READ! As you can probably tell, I ran out of ideas towards the end. This was easily the hardest fic I've written, so I won't take more than three characters per boyfriend scenario chapter. Requests are currently closed, thanks for understanding.))

Word count - 2008.

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