(H) The DRV3 squad go to the beach

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Requested by @IsabellaMazaRodrigue. Enjoy!

-The beach is just a nice place to read for him.
-He'd sit on a beach chair in some sort of shade.
-Oh, and he'd only swim if everyone else was.
-Either that, or if he was awkwardly sat alone with Korekiyo.
-That was just plain uncomfortable.
-Something he always liked to do was, if swimming, trying to catch a fish with his bare hands.
-One time he actually did it and ended up throwing it at Kokichi.
-He has fun in his own ways, through books and fish.
-Oh, side tangent, this boy burns so easily.
-Like, ten seconds in the sun and he is gone.
-So, with two layers of SPF 100 and constantly dipping on and out of the shade, he'd overall enjoy his day at the beach.

-Oh, she adores the beach for everything.
-The sun, the sea, the sand, it's all so majestic in her eyes.
-The only issue is that she never tans, which sometimes disappoints her.
-But she enjoys swimming and seeing the sea life.
-One time she actually found a beached baby turtle and rescued it.
-She called it "Sheldon" because of the pun.
-Sometimes she'd just walk along the boardwalk and grab some traditional candy.
-That was probably her favourite part of the beach, all of the boardwalk candy.
-So yeah.
-Love the beach.

-He's kind of just okay with the idea of the beach.
-He only goes if everyone else goes or no-one else goes.
-No in between.
-Kokichi always teases him about his hair looking like dried seaweed.
-In response, Rantaro would dump a lump of seaweed on his head out of amusement / spite.
-He also refuses to swim because... ew.
-He'd mostly chill with Kaede and grab boardwalk candy.
-Also, he hates sand hoppers.
-He's not scared of them, but they just irritate him.
-Overall just sort of chill with the idea of the beach.

-She was more in it for the preparations.
-Preparing coolers, chairs, paddle boards, wind protectors, etc.
-She's usually the one to organise it despite not being a huge fan of the beach.
-She did like to swim, though, since it relaxed her.
-Or watching the world go by could relax her, too.

-Ew sand
-Ew sun
- E W F I S H
-He just hates it.
-He will refuse to swim or wear a bathing suit at all.
-Chances are he'll sit in the car.
-At least the view is nice.
-Or maybe he'll grab some boardwalk candy with Kaede and Rantaro.
-He gets cold easily so he has like seventy-nine layers on, which makes him stick out a bit.
-He doesn't care.

-She lives for the beach.
-Everything from the swimming to the sunbathing to the myriad of boardwalk treats was a delight for her!
-She often spent her time painting the ocean or sculpting very intricate looking shells // rocks.
-Also, she sometimes takes home tropical fish or sea life either to keep as pets (even if they die because she has no idea how to take care of them) or she sacrifices them to Atua.
-One of the two.
-She finds it ridiculously fun, and sometimes her ray of positivity makes Ryoma go on the beach.
-Ryoma of all people.
-Also, she builds sand castles with Himiko!
-Overall she loves the beach and would gladly live the rest of her days buried up to her neck in sand.

-She spends her time on the beach doing any and all extreme watersports.
-Surfing, paddle-boarding, water skiing, swimming races, and probably more.
-Also, she dominates volley ball.
-She doesn't tan at all, but she doesn't care.
-WhO nEeDs A tAn WhEn YoU aRe DeStRoYiNg MeN aT sPoRtS??
-She overheats a lot, even with the breeze, so carries at least thirty-litres of water around at all times.
-So typically Tenko but beach edition™️

-He'd just sort of... watch everything and everyone.
-He'd watch the waves crash, watch the clouds roll overhead, and occasionally pick up interesting rocks and stones and study them.
-On time he even found a small cluster of ammonites in a chunk of rock!
-Not many people shared his studious enthusiasm but that never deterred him.
-He liked the atmosphere since it really got his brain working better.
-If a lot of his friends were there he'd maybe go swimming.
-He'd always hated the water though, so it was more just walking with his feet in the water and nothing else.
-Still, he was enjoying himself at least.

-She was forever loving the beach.
-Seriously, everyone looked so attractive there and she could even get herself a tan!
-She'd almost always be in the water, trying to flirt with cute swimmer boys.
-They'd usually laugh and swim away, with Kokichi taunting her in the distance.
-She's the type of person to be eager about swimming until something touches her foot.
- U m
- N o t h a n k s
-Also probably pretended to drown a lot to get life guards attention.
-It got to the point where she was banned from swimming at her local beach.
-Kokichi, needless to say, was glad about that.

-He probably can't swim.
-It's not much of an issue; the tall bean could probably just stand and chill with everyone else.
-He really had a taste for wildly caught food, since he was raised by wolves.
-He caught a lot of fish with his bare hands before letting it go because that's what a gentleman would do.
-He also loves watching crabs and stuff if he can find any in rock pools and the like.
-They were like bugs but not, in his eyes.
-If he felt like it, he'd keep Korekiyo company and listen to him ramble about fossils (which he always found very interesting, even if he didn't understand half of the words being said).
-If he was swimming with the others, Kokichi would make him get sea weed since he was too short to reach down and grab some himself, and then dump it on people's heads.
-Gonta would always feel bad afterwards, though.
-He really liked the beach.
-Protect him.

-This guy—
-He only likes one thing about the beach: the sea.
-And how he can use things from the sea to ruin people's day.
-He'd throw stuff onto people's heads, swim underwater and scare people, and the like.
-Karma would come after him, though, because he'd burn shortly after.
-He probably tied his hair up when swimming, which always looked nice.
-If he was feeling a little bit more contemplative (this is Kokichi we're talking about here) he'd sit on a rock and listen to the waves crash.
-Nothing could ever ruin this.
-Well, maybe apart from a Killing Game, but—

-Ew what no
-The only reason he liked the beach was because the stars were very clear.
-That was it.
-No to the sand.
-No to the sun.
-No to the sea.
-A very Ryoma-like approach.
-Nevertheless, unlike Ryoma, he'd actually try to enjoy himself.
-He'd maybe swim in the sea a bit.
-Maybe just sleep on the beach.
-He'd probably also try to best Tenko at her watersports.
-Still, he'd rather be in space, but like whatever.

-She'd treat it like an anime beach episode of anything.
-She'd always encourage everyone to swim (and maybe get cussed out by Ryoma in doing so) and get everyone to play volley ball.
-She'd be a flirt, too, with all of the random beach guys.
-The only thing she didn't really like was how the salt in the sea made her hair all crispy.
-She'd spend like three years trying to get salt and sand out of it.
-To the point where she wore a wig while she was still in the process fixing her hair.
-She'd probably also send out messages in a bottle to try and meet the love of her life.
-She got a response from a guy called "Hifumi".
-Overall she liked it though.

-What no he doesn't want to r u s t
-He doesn't like the beach that much, and the only appealing factor is the view.
-He also likes the sounds of the waves crashing, to the point where he'd actually fall asleep on the sand.
-Then he'd have to get Miu to get all of the sand out of his circuitry.
-He couldn't swim since he wasn't fully waterproof.
-He couldn't eat boardwalk candy.
-Sometimes he'd sit with Ryoma in the car and watch the world go by from the window.
-Ah well

-She surprisingly enjoys the beach.
-She has a very stressful life so it really helps her to unwind.
-She was a bit cautious as to how open it could be but so long as she was around other people she'd be okay.
-She never wore bikinis. Ever.
-But she still swam in a more covered-up suit.
-She'd just chill with Kaito and Shuichi and watch the world go by.
-At least the view was pretty.

- O C E A N M A G I C
-She lived for the beach.
-She'd pick up nice looking rocks or shells and call them "lucky charms".
-Sometimes she'd come across hagstones and make necklaces out of them.
-She also swam in the sea fully clothed because she "doesn't need any swimsuit due to her magic".
-She'd tried to walk on water many times and failed, saying that her "MP was low".
-She also built sand castles with Angie and found pretty feathers to stick in the tops of them, then taking them home later.
-One time she even took a jar and tried to bottle the smell of the sea.
-Unbeknownst to her it never worked, but she never opened it, saving it for a special day.
-Next to that jar, she has a corked bottle filled to the brim with all of the trinkets she'd accumulated over the years of going to the beach.
-She liked the beach.
-Long live water magic!

Word count - 1692.

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