(O/S) Rantaro Amami x reader (absolute cringe)

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((Inspired by the single bolt of lightning outside lol. Also, killing game AU))
Fic title: Thunderous Heartbeat

The day had been a quiet one. Well, aside from the thunder.
Nothing too out of the ordinary happened, and everyone kept to themselves. For one, it was pouring outside, and for two it didn't help that the 'first blood perk' had been implemented. Stupid bear, with his stupid-ass ideas.
You were relaxing in your dorm when you heard a knock on the door.
At first, you hesitated. The first blood perk rang around your head in Monokuma's voice (seriously, the bear sounded like a pubescent goose being strangled).
You looked around and spotted him sat on your bed. "Hi, L/N-san/kun!"
You nearly had a heart attack, and the second knock on the door punctuated your fear. "Y/N, it's Amami, can I come in?"
"Better open up, nerd, or else loverboy's gonna leave!"
"Monokuma, piss off!"
"Or what?"
"Or I'll—" I heard footsteps. Rantaro, being your crush and all, was enough motivation to drag you out of your sitting position and to the door. You threw it open and glanced down the halls. Amami spotted you, and returned to his previous position. "Hey, Amami." You turned to see if Monokuma was still there, but he seemed to have disappeared.
"Sorry, I was just wondering if you were willing to hang out? I'm just... bored."
"Sure, outside, or...?"
"Outside works."
The two of you stepped into the rain, and (since neither of you were wearing jackets) you both sought refuge under the doorway. "At least the fresh air is good." You commented. It was cooling your hot face, which was excellent since you were standing within a ten foot radius of your crush. That was literally the only reason why you picked to go outside.
You never really spoke to Amami much, see, only if you needed something. So why was he hanging out with you? It just didn't make sense...!
He gazed into your e/c eyes, and you looked away with a smile tugging at your lips.
You squeaked slightly. You were the Ultimate Bookworm, so loud noises weren't something you particularly liked.
"Hm? L/N-san/kun, did you say something?"
"N-Nope, nothing, ha ha."
The thunder proved you wrong. You practically screamed, and leapt up in the air.
"Oh, scared of storms?" You honestly couldn't tell if he was teasing or not. He paused and watched the rain. Inhale. You held the breath for fair too long. "It's okay, it's a common phobia."
Exhale. "Sorry, really, I am."
"Why did you want to come outside if you're scared of storms."
"I... just thought it'd be nice."
"If you want to go into my room, we can."
You paused. Stunned. "Wait, really?"
"Sure, I have nothing to hide from you."
"Then it's settled." Your voice wavered.
You soon found yourself, sat in his room, freaking out and trying to stay calm. The storm was getting louder, too.
"Y/N, you look warm." He placed a hand on your forehead, and you found yourself nearly having a heart attack.
"W-What? Oh, I'm fine." You promised, gazing down at your shoes.
Silence engulfed you, and then all at once, conversation started to flow. You talked about the killing game, and life, and how to pronounce Kaede's name, and other random stuff such as that. He comforted you when you were on the verge of tears (which embarrassed you, but he said that he didn't mind and that storms could get quite scary), which was enough to confirm that you loved him.
The conversation naturally died down, until Amami spoke again.
"So, uh, I-I kind of wanted to talk to you." He mumbled, placing his hands behind his head and lying down on his bed. Wait, was that a stutter? "I want to get to know you better. You seem so... genuine. So real. Why don't we talk more? Do I intimidate you or something?" He didn't even look at me.
You panicked. "Ah! No no no, that's not it at all!"
"So then, why don't we talk more?"
You paused thoughtfully. You grabbed the small notebook from your pocket, and scribbled out a note, handed it to him, and left.

Rantaro Amami,
I don't know ho to explain it, but I really like you?? Like, a lot??
It's okay if you don't feel the same way, either let me know at some point or just never bring it up again.
From your nerdy, storm-hating friend,
Y/N L/N.

You'd just gone to the library. Rantaro had asked you to meet him there, but you didn't expect to find him like this. Medicine ball. Bloody medicine ball - that's the first thing you spotted.
Curled up, splattered with pink, and a note crumpled up in his hand - that was Rantaro's corpse. It had your note on the back of it.

To my nerdy, storm-hating friend Y/N,
I love you. I want to confess in the same way you confessed to me. I love you, I love you, I love you. I can't wait to tell you out loud.
From your other half,
Rantaro Amami.

((Word count - 857))

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