(H) The DRV3 boys react to an s/o who proposed

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This is intended for female readers! Lemme know if you want a male/gender neutral reader version or a version with the DRV3 girls! Enjoy <3


-You'd taken him to a fancy firework show.
-He was enjoying all of the pretty colours, but when the final firework burst into the sky, a plane passed by with a banner streaming behind it.
-'Marry Me, Kokichi?'
-When he turned back to you he saw you bent down on one knee with a box in your hand.
-Wait w h a t
-Wasn't the boy supposed to propose to the girl?
-He was swallowing shaky breaths and scooped you up in his arms, grinning madly.
-'Yes! Yes! A million times yes! You did all of this for me?!'
-'Of course! As you always say, the SHSL Supreme Leader Deserves only the best!'


-You'd marched over to his house (lab) at three in the morning.
-You'd done the cliche thing where you pummel stones at the window.
-Then you waiting.
-You decided to throw another stone when the window open, and the rock hit Kiibo in the face.
-After a mild wince, Kiibo looked down to see your hand-crafted sign.
-'Roses are red, robots are cute, I can't rhyme, please marry me?'
-After a quick system meltdown, he realised that the girl in the relationship was proposing.
-Pushing his curious thought aside as to why he was just standing there thinking about how a girl was proposing to him, he charged downstairs with teary eyes and kissed you.
-'01011001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101000 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100100 00100000 00101000 01001011 01101001 01101001 01100010 01101111 00101110 01100101 01111000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110000 01110000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110000 01101111 01101110 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101001 00101110'.


-You'd spent hours crafting a katana.
-The handle had 'Marry me Korekiyo' on the handle with a ring hooked onto the end.
-The next day you nervously went over to Kiyo's place, katana in hand.
-'Hey, Kiyo, I made you a replica of that ancient katana you've always wanted. Sorry it's not the original thing.'
-Was what you were supposed to say.
-Instead, this happened vv
-'Take katana replica, bye, love you babe!'
-Proceed to shut the door and walk away with a cherry-red face.
-Kiyo read the inscription called you back towards his doorstep.
-He planted a kiss on your cheek and he slipped the ring onto you finger.
-You took it as a silent yes and cheered.


-you'd invited him to the park late at night.
-Not suspicious at all.
-of course he agreed to see you!
-he wuvs you <3 (cringe at my own writing)
-When you weren't there, he worried that you stood him up and that this was your way of dumping him
-no no no no no no
-he couldn't lose you
-that's when you emerged from the bushes playing a melodica.
-you were playing 'Fly My To the Moon'
-at first he was confused until he noticed a ring slid down the melodica tube (don't know the technical term for it).
-you paused for breath and simply said, 'I learned one of the memiest instruments for you, so you are obliged to marry me.'
-he bear hugged you, nearly breaking the instrument, and you shared a loving kiss.


-you two were cuddling on the couch watching some cooking show
-you mumbled drowsily, 'so what cake should we have for the wedding?'
-he thought you were joking until you narrowed your eyes and went bright red.
-'shit, I forgot that I was doing the proposal later today.'
-Amami really tried to keep a straight face.
-he really did.
-he lasted for two seconds before being engulfed in his own laughter.
-while Amami rolled around on the floor dying from laughter, you (still embarrassed) took the ring from your pocket and bent down on one knee.
-still in tears from laughing (and now joy) he said yes and you spent the rest of the day hugging on the couch, looking at wedding shows on TV for inspiration.
-((bonus - Rantaro insisted that yoour wedding had whiTE ROSES ON THE TABLES BECAUSE RED ONES WOULD CLASH WITH HIS SUIT AND BOWTIE—))


-You created a set of puzzles.
-When he woke up, he spotted a note on his bedside table.
-'hey, sherlock, riddle me this: what letter does Kaito's last name start with?' M
-'What is the starting letter of what sort of food Amami resembles?' A
-'The first letter of Hoshi's first name?' R
-'The third letter of Tojo's first name?' R
-'Himiko's first letter of her last name?' Y
-'what is Kaito obsessed with?' Space
-'What's the opposite of you?' Me.
-It didn't matter that you were terrible at creating riddles; it only mattered that when he raced to your apartment and found you down on one knee with a ring in your hand that he yelled 'yes' and spent the rest of the day cuddling with you.


-you'd went all out for your proposal to Gonta.
-despite your mild fear of bugs (*cough cough* first headcanon in this book *cough cough*) you asked Kiibo and a few other students who weren't too squeamish around bugs to help you arrange some caterpillars into the words 'Marry Me?' With a butterfly in the middle perched on a ring.
-they were all pretty tame and still until when you brought Gonta into the room and they were everywhere.
-he quickly collected them back up and asked why you randomly brought him to a room filled with bugs.
-When he saw the ring, he knew.
-he smiled and said, 'Gonta would love to marry Y/N! Don't go to so much trouble for me, you're perfect with or without a big fancy gesture!'
-Pure bean :')


-You took him out for dinner and nervously asked him as bluntly as he could
-he played it off cool, telling you that he loved you and of course he'd marry you
-but internally he was crying with happiness that someone (especially you) loved him enough to marry him).
-overall a great night

Word count - 1066.

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