A/N [and yes, this book is still dead, but it's important]

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*swirling a glass of wine in my hand*

"DRV3 Headcanons, Oneshots and Other Stuff"? I haven't heard that title in years...

*downs the glass of wine*

*it was fruit juice*

Don't drink underage, kids.

Also, hi, hello, howdy, various other ways to introduce oneself.

I'm the author of this book. I figured you need an update of what's happening, what other books you may enjoy on my profile, that sort of thing. Also, this A/N ties up a lot of loose ends about this book.

I start to ramble very quickly, so here's a TL;DR for you...

Genuinely and wholeheartedly, I thank you for the support on this book. I don't stand by all the works now, a lot of chapters are outdated, and some stray so far from canon that it's embarrassing, however I am so glad that over 300K of you have been able to enjoy it despite the quality. I have other DR fics on my profile if you want to check them out! Take anything I said in the last chapter with a pinch of salt, because plans have changed and I don't want to keep making empty promises.

For anyone still reading past the TL;DR, here we go.

Thank you. Thank you. To have so many people read and openly enjoy my work is fantastic. Even if I have fallen out of touch with this book specifically, your support is forever appreciated.

TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY IN THIS BOOK WITH A PINCH OF SALT. I made this book while I was still watching a playthrough the games and, truth be told, I skipped an awful lot when actually watching gameplay of the DR series, even love hotel scenes and free time events. I basically took the concept and characters and tried to make it my own.
Also, sometimes my portrayal of more serious topics was treated wrongly, and if I upset anyone, I apologise. I wanted to raise awareness and guide people towards help (since a lot of people use fanfic as a coping mechanism to escape a harsh reality, as it seems) but I feel as though I failed at times. I want people who are struggling to find professional help if they can. I'm not a professional nor a therapist - I just write fanfic. Feel free to find comfort in my work but don't let that stop you from seeking the help you need.
Something else to note is that I often promised many more books to come, especially in the last chapter ("A Final Visit To Hope's Peak Academy"), however I'm done with making false promises. I make content when I wish and I'm not promising things that are very unpredictable. Writing is organic and sporadic for me; I can't exactly be consistent with updates or posting. I may not post more content here for a while, or I may even abandon the account. No more promises that I can't fully back.
LONG STORY SHORT, I don't stand by all of the works in this book anymore (especially some of the Korekiyo or Monokuma ones, lord, even though I humanised Monokuma and put Kork in an AU where he wasn't in an odd relationship with his sister, it was still kind of weird and gross), and I'm sorry if I upset you with any of my works. I'll probably edit through some in which I said things I don't agree with now (especially some of my comments about Angie and Kokichi, because some of them were kind of distasteful).

I've fallen out of touch with the DR fandom. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game series, a (mostly) great community, and it let me practice my writing skills a lot. However, I don't connect with the sources materials the same. I make my own AUs for it, sure, as shown in some of my other books, but writing a Killing Game AU is extremely exhausting to me since every idea has already been done and I could not outdo it or add anything of value to it. I can see the flaws in the games more and more prominently so I sort of just work around that by making AUs up.

This book is not in limbo or hiatus status anymore. It's deceased, dead, completed, whatever you want to call it. Go vibe, find some other amazing authors, and keep enjoying DR content. It just so happens that a lot of that DR content won't be from me anymore, and that's okay. Please, don't comment requests or ask about anything like that. Save it for someone who can do your idea justice.

I hope you all enjoyed my work. I'm glad that I've reached so many people.


TOTAL WORD COUNT OF BOOK (APPROXIMATELY) - 127632~ (about 130000!)

DRV3 headcanons, one-shots and other stuff [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now