(H) Kokichi on his birthday with a male s/o

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Happy birthday to both SamWritesStuff2106 and my child Kokichi Oma! I would have written a oneshot but I've already got a Kokichi x reader book on my profile (self promo) and wanted to get something out quickly :3

-'Yes, Oma?'
-Before you could respond a certain purple-haired Panta boy tackle hugged you.
-This was why you were dating him.
-'We're going out somewhere.'
-As big-headed as Kokichi was, he didn't want to force you to go out if you didn't feel up to it.
-He was about to object when you dragged him into the car and drove him somewhere
-Naturally, you blindfolded him.
-don't jump to conclusions, dearest readers.
-He was laughing but inside he was both dying from being kidnapped by his boyfriend and also extremely nervous that you were going to stab him in the middle of nowhere and leave him for dead instead of dumping him like a normal person.
-I mean, it was possible; you literally threw him in the car with a blindfold on.
-'And we're here! Don't take your blindfold off yet...'
-You lead him out of the vehicle and gently placed something cool and laminated in his hand.
-'Happy Birthday!'
-you gently took the blindfold from around his eyes (which happened to be his checkered scarf, so you let it lay around his neck) and watched his eyes widen before brimming with tears.
-the LOOK on his face—
-What you were both staring up at was the biggest Panta factory either of you had ever seen. You'd handed him a pass which would allow you to go all over the factory and even test new flavours.
-Kokichi was actually really well behaved
-He was talking like a wine-taster when he was tasting the Panta flavours.
-'Hm... yes, I do like the touch of citrus it has to it, but it's quite dry...'
-'Oma, it's lemon Panta, get over it.'
-the second you left the factory, he hugged you and thanked you a million times.
-you pecked him on the cheek, before jokingly adding, 'Now you have to one-up me on my birthday.'
-oh, he one-upped you alright.
-all he had to do was drive around to every McDonalds in the country and get you a McFlurry from each and every one of them (even if the machine was broken, he was getting you that McFlurry).

Word count - 411.

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