(O/S) Himiko x Artist! Reader

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Requested by @SarahDaWolf. Enjoy!
Fic title: Sketchy Business.


Ever since I'd started selling my artwork at small markets I would see a red-haired girl just across from me setting up her stall. As I'd hang my paintings she'd fan out cards and polish her wand. A street magician with a stall. A girl who I only knew as 'Mage'.
She went around proclaiming herself as the greatest mage in the land but never gave a name. I'd sometimes watch her. Other times I'd be busy selling my artwork.
She was there every day, as was I, and I soon noticed that sales were slowing. Twenty paintings sold became ten, and ten became five.
It sent shivers down my spine.
That's when I noticed all of the attention was on Mage. From the youngest children to the oldest elders, their eyes were delicately placed on her tricks and stall.
I knew that it was petty, but I hated her for that.
She occasionally glanced at me from across the street, waving and smiling. I offer a small wave back but never smile. I hated that I hated someone so seemingly nice.
I hated it, I hated it, I hated it.

Himiko's POV

It was my last show of the day. I was packing up my special magical spells and saw the person across the street sitting as they normally were. The stars were shining. Aires was twinkling up in the night sky.
"Hey." I called across for the first time. They seemed startled and glanced around, only for their e/c eyes to land on me.
"Oh, it's you." They replied.
I strolled up to their stall. I glanced at the paintings.
"Are you looking to buy?" They asked, the trace of hope in their voice making me smile slightly.
"What's your name?"
"Are you looking to buy?"
"I'm Himiko Yumeno, the SHSL Mage. Some people call me the SHSL Magician, but they are merely fools."
"Y/N L/N. The SHSL Artist."
"Eh? I have a friend with that Ultimate."
"Yeah, it's pretty common." They repeated themselves for the third time. "Are you looking to buy?"
I stared intensely at their paintings and their drawings (they even had some pretty sculptures made!), so I nodded.
"Awesome, I haven't made a sale in hours thanks to you." Though they mumbled the last part under their breath, I could still hear them.
"Can you make me a sign? Maybe a nice sculpture to go along with it?"
Y/N began listing off their prices and I said that I'd double the payment if they got it done by tomorrow. They agreed and we went our on separate ways.
I could barely sleep that night. I was too busy wondering about if Y/N has a partner or if they'd be willing to work with me. I could commission her for custom cards; she could even sell them at my stall.
The next morning was a bright and sunny one, and I spotted Y/N with a life-sized sculpture of me holding a wand which was pointing at nobody in particular, it was just pointing straight ahead of me.
I hugged her and paid for both the sign which she also brought and the sculpture. How she managed it in one night was beyond me.
"I'll definitely commission another time, Y/N." I promised, and off we went selling our stuff.


My sales went up.
Himiko and I spoke more.
Things were finally looking up for me.
One evening Himiko requested for me to paint a custom deck of cards for her, each deck intricately described to me.
I got it made in a week.
We both soon had regular customers, and they'd often joke about us getting together before leaving again. I thought about this more and decided to take the plunge.
On the ace of hearts I placed a sticky note on it which had my phone number scrawled onto it.
I even added a little message.

Hey, maybe we could go on a date sometime? It's been a pleasure working with you, my sneaky mage.

I placed it on the top of the deck and handed it to Himiko the next day.
She wrapped her arms around me in a bug hug and pecked me on the cheek, saying that her 'love spell finally worked'.
You've got to love the little magician.

Word count - 743.

Argh this is so short ;-;

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