(O/S) Shuichi x Mute! Reader

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Requested by @Melody_tune_. Enjoy!
Fic title: Quiet Questioning Love


I'd always liked music. I could just never sing along. It was quite sad, honestly, since my talent was the Ultimate Composer.
Another thing that sucked was that there was only one person who could speak almost fluent sign language - Shuichi Saihara. Sure, Kiibo knew some parts of it since it was in his programming and Kokichi knew how to swear, but only Shuichi actually knew how to understand me, so I didn't have to write things down.
It wasn't all bad, though - one time Kaede got everyone into her dorm to 'say what's on our minds so that we can bond better'. I just signed back with, "Ah, yes, I love speaking my thoughts," which was kindly translated by Shuichi, who was laughing at my joke since he was the first to understand it.
However, it was at lunch one time and Kokichi decided to have a bit of fun with me. No, not like that, you filthy perv.
"Gee, Y/N, can you tell us any stories about being mute? Oh wait..." he did his trademark laugh as people apologised to me on his behalf and told him to be quiet.
"I hate to break it to you, guys, but I'll never be as quiet as Y/N over there." He jabbed a thumb at my general direction.
I wasn'y even sad about it. It was just... annoying. I was about to scribble down my feelings onto my notepad, since Shuichi was eating in his dorm and therefore couldn't translate for me, when the same mini supreme leader swiped the pen out of my hands and threw it across the other side of the room.
Repressing my anger, I stood up and left, my notebook firmly in grasp and my eyes dull with irritation.
I reached the dormitory with very little trouble and saw Shuichi exiting his own room.
"Oh, Y/N." He greeted. "You've already finished eating?"
I felt a sort of guilt gnaw at my chest. Was he just talking to me because he had no excuse not to? Or because he felt bad that I was born such a way with such a talent? Letting these thoughts run wild around my head, I gave him a quick nod and retreated to my room. I spent the rest of the day trying to compose something, but... all my ideas just seemed to flop.
I didn't leave my room. I couldn't face Kokichi - hell, ANYONE - after what happened at breakfast. I was a coward, through and through, and I just had to silently accept that.
I found myself thinking about Saihara, how patient and kind he was, and how he still chose to hang out with me, even if it was out of pity. It sucked that he probably liked someone who he could actually hold an easy-to-understand conversation with.
Three knocks on my door.
Sighing, I stood up and went to see who it was. I wished I could just call out to whoever was at the door that the door was open and that they could come in, but no, I had to get up and let them in.
I opened the door, ready to flip off Kokichi when I saw the petrol blue-haired student. My eyes widened with surprise and he asked if he could come in.
I stepped aside and he awkwardly stood just inside my room.
"So... I... heard about what happened at breakfast."
Yes, it was inevitable, but I still grasped onto the hope that nobody would mention it.
I nodded solemnly, encouraging him to continue.
"I just wanted you to know that you're actually... how to articulate this... really interesting. Please don't listen to Kokichi."
I gave him another small nod, a small blush on my face.
"Also... I-I was wondering if you wanted to go and grab something to eat? Maybe we could go down to the gameroom after or something?"
I gave him a small simper and signed back, "Sure, like a date?" Unfortunately, I struggled to sign things in a shy way so it came off as really bold.
Shuichi's shocked eyes soon became enthusiastic. "Yeah. A date. I-If you want it to be."
If I could speak I'd be in a stunned silence. However I took his hand as boldly as I could muster and we sauntered to the cafeteria. Of course Kirumi had made us some afternoon scones and tea and left us to chat. Could it be called a chat? I wasn't sure.
"Just to confirm," I signed, "You aren't just doing this because you pity me, right?"
"What?! Of course not! I've... actually liked you for a long time."
The conversation paused as we both bit into our scones. They were still warm.
"And anyway," he continued, "What made you consider that? Was it Oma? You seriously have to stop listening to him."
We ate mostly in silence. Not an awkward silence, just a nice friendly - or even romantic - silence. We finished our scones and drank our piping hot (but still delicious) tea before heading down to the gameroom. Kaede and Maki were down their playing something and they greeted us. When Akamatsu spotted us holding hands she nearly had a heart attack and tackle-hugged her detective friend, squealing about how proud she was of both of us and how she wanted to be the flower girl at our wedding. Maki gave us a small congratulations before prying Kaede off of Shuichi and giving me a small smile.
Kiibo and Miu were there, chatting and congratulating us as we walked down to the claw machine (A/N: Idk if there actually is a claw machine down there in the game but just go with it pls).
We both decided to try and win eachother a plushie. I got Shuichi a little red panda and he got me an f/c anime-style chipmunk.
We played for hours to get two plushies, but it was worth it because damn that chipmunk was adorable.
Hand in hand we made our way back to our dorm rooms, our plushies in hand and the occasionally 'congratulations' from any passing student. We even met Kokichi, who claimed to just be joking during breakfast and that he was extremely happy to see us together. This earned an eyeroll from me and a small thank you from Shuichi, who was eager t leave.
"So... why did you get me a chipmunk?" I signed as we got to Shuichi's door.
"Because," he said, unlocking it, "Siberian chipmunks are silent animals but are still adorable."
I never knew Shuichi could be so smooth and make me blush so much, and he left without another word.
And so, Shuichi, the loud and opinionated detective, and I, a silent composer, were now a thing.
So now you know.

Word count - 1155.

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