(O/S) Kirumi x Child! Reader

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Okay, so this is obviously platonic. I'm thinking the reader is about a 4-6y/o who lives in an AU where Kirumi schools all of the Child! DRV3 cast. Enjoy! ((Side-note; I say 'nursery' instead of 'kindergarten' because I'm British and the pronouns are gender neutral :P))
Fic title: Teaching With Tojo

Kirumi's POV

I'd never understood why Y/N was put up for adoption. They were very inquisitive and curious individual who I was more than glad to welcome into my self-established nursery. I assumed that judging by the shine in their eyes when they landed on my figure that she too enjoyed my presence.
They were truly something else.
I saw them playing with Kaede and Angie, which was obviously pleasing to see since it showed that Y/N was developing well socially.
I suppose it was because I didn't want them to end up like me.
Only working for others.
I stared at the smiling child, their (e/c) eyes like blueberries/cocoa/hazelnuts/emeralds and their (h/l) (h/c) bouncing as they moved sporadically around the playground.
My fingertips pressed ever-so-gently on the window.
I snatched them away.
"Congratulations, Tojo," I huffed to myself, "You'll have to clean that mark later."

It was a Monday morning, and as per usual Y/N was hanging up their (f/c) coat up on their coat hanger. They took their (s/f/c) bag and unzipped it, slipping something under their jacket.
My grey-blue eyes narrowed. What were they hiding?
They quickly shuffled over to Angie and showed them what I was presuming was the unknown (and possibly foreign) object. Angie seemed surprised but nodded encouragingly, before sauntering over to Oma. Though I couldn't see the object since Y/N's back was turned to me, I could safely assume that it was nothing dangerous. If it was something bad, Angie would have reported it to me.
"M-Miss Tojo?"
I hummed in surprise as I felt my coal dress being tugged on. I looked down to see the short purple-haired sugar addict otherwise known as Kokichi Ouma. He was crying.
"I-I-I need h-help... K-Kaito's been b-b-bullying me...!"
Though I knew it was probably a lie, I decided to humour him and went to go and talk to him in the 'Emotions Office' as I'd nicknamed it (it was a room walled off from the rest of the classroom for discussing issues).


The plan was going flawlessly.
Kokichi and Kaito had agreed to make up a story about how they got into a fight over something. Things were going so well that I had the entire nursery involved!
While Kokichi distracted Miss Tojo with one of his lies, Angie and I would slip past the teacher's desk and place an object on her desk.
Kaede, who was my second-in-command, had orchestrated what was about to play out. If we all needed a little bit more time, Kaito would sulk over to Miss Tojo and accuse Oma of lying, cue a fake argument.
After Kaito trudged down to Miss Tojo's 'Emotions Office' and that gave us all enough time to plan this all out.

Kirumi's POV

After a long chat with Kaito about how it was bad to bop someone on the head with a pencil and call them a (and I quote directly) 'Dumb-Dumb Soda-Lover'. I had to stifle a laugh but barely kept my face straight the entire time. It reminded me of how I was before I had to work. Before I became borderline numb.
I shook the thought from my mind as I lead the two boys from the office.
That's when I saw them.
All of my 13 remaining pupils, with Kaito and Kokichi soon tagging on the end of the long string of students.
"Thank you, Miss Tojo!" They all said in unison, the biggest of smiles on their faces.
Each student listed off how I'd assisted them in life in no particular order, and I couldn't help but choke myself up a bit.
"Miss Tojo, you inspired me to draw for the great Atua as the Ultimate Artist! And so I drew this for you!" Angie handed me a doodle of what I was guessing was supposed to be me. It was shaky and honestly amateur, but it brought hot tears to my eyes.
"Miss Tojo, you've inspired me to live my life as the Ultimate Astronaut! I don't have a got other than this!" The magenta-haired boy tackle hugged me.
Kaede played me a song; Shuichi shook my hand with tears in his eyes; Maki gave me the smallest of smiles (while I gave her a nervous simper in return upon learning that she wished to be an assassin); Kokichi gave me a hug; Ryoma gave me a slightly more timid hug; Tenko viciously gave me a hug—
Before I knew it, I was under a pile of toddlers hugging me. I laughed, I cried, and I (quite frankly) died inside. The cuteness was too much to handle.
Before I knew it, the adorable and selfless individuals that I called my students went home for the day. When I was in the middle of cleaning, upon reaching my desk I found a little note scribbled in black crayon.

Dear Miss Tojo,
I feel like I should thank you for inspiring me to become the SHSL Teacher. I can't wait for High-School! Thank you ever so much, Miss Tojo - I'll never forget you.
Lot's of love from,
Y/N L/N, the Lil' Ultimate Teacher.

Yes, the handwriting was sloppy; sure, the handwriting was bad; despite all of this, I knew that I'd never forget Y/N.

Word count - 973.

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