(O/S) Leon Kuwata x reader

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So, sorry if I get anything wrong, I'm still kind of new to the DR fandom. But please enjoy my terribleness!

The air was thick, damp and cold. It had that November vibe to it - the calm before the storm that was the Christmas holidays. You were just taking a walk through town, grabbing a (favourite hot drink) and watching the world go by,
Or, at least, that's what you'd planned to happen.
You'd pushed open the door to the local cafe and only heard squealing. What had to be dozens of fangirls were crowding around someone. Something! You couldn't tell. You waded your way to the counter, and noticed that the crowd was at least three bodies thick.
Then, a redhead popped out from the centre of the crowd. He had piercings and a white jacket. Was he a singer or something? He looked you dead in the eyes (now's a good time to point out that his blue eyes are amazing to look at), and just said, "Play along."
At first you were confused, and wanted to explain that you were just ordering a (favourite hot drink), but he wasn't having it.
And then he kissed you.
Of course, you're freaking out since a stranger just kissed you, but when you both separated, the fangirls had stormed out (probably to grab their pitchforks and torches).
"Sorry, I should probably explain."
"Yeah, please do."
"So, I'm Leon Kuwuta, the Ultimate Baseball Star." The name rang a bell, and you opened your mouth to say something, before closing it again. He continued with, "These girls always try to follow me, and I just say you and thought 'Wow, that's someone who looks really pretty and I need to get these girls away from me', so I decided to make them think that you and I were dating."
A pause, a long long pause. Then, a reply popped into your head. "Make them think that we're dating? Leon, sweetie, we have to make it more believable than that. How about we grab something to eat, just the two of us?"
Silently, he nearly had a stroke from how calmly you'd asked him out. But he held it together, and simply replied with, "Sure. My treat."

Part two?

((Word count - 380))

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