(H) The DRV3 squad celebrate Y/N's birthday

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Requested by @IsabellaMazaRodrigue. Enjoy! I wasn't sure if you meant like each character individually or all of them together during one big party so like I chose headcanons? I already have a DRV3 squad throw a party chapter so you can look their if you wanna see the squad partying lol.

-He'd try and do something nice, honestly.
-He'd buy a gift probably about three months in advance all the while praying that you didn't buy the same thing on the lead up to your birthday.
-To make your birthday perfect he'd do in-depth sleuthing to find out your favourite cake flavours, favourite gifts, any allergies, any fears so that he didn't accidentally take you skydiving when you have a crippling fear of a little thing called 'death'.
-Sometimes (because you know he'd be looking for clues to try and piece together the perfect birthday) you'd intentionally leave your browser history open of dream destinations to visit and the like.
-Chances are he'd know it was intentional but take the hint anywhere and take you on your dream holiday.
-Overall a good time.
-Also probably gets really offended if somebody forgets to wish you happy birthday but is all passive-aggressive about it like "Oh Janet nice Gucci bag you got there— Would it kill you to buy Y/N somETHING ONCE IN A WHILE FOR THEIR BIRTHDAY?!"

-She'd keep things relatively simple.
-A present, a card, a kiss, maybe a dinner at a fancy restaurant.
-It was usually when you got home that she prepared something truly special.
-You'd both sit down and play the happy birthday theme together.
-Sure, it never seemed like much, but it just felt nice to spend time together, even if you weren't the best at piano (or at least not as good as her).
-You'd play it long into the night until the neighbours started complaining, and then a little bit more.
-You'd go to bed together and you'd wake up to a morning surprise of a f/h/d (favourite hot drink) as a sort of piano-night-hangover-cure.
-At least it's not drain cleaner (sorry for the random reference lol).

-He'd try making a cake, he really would.
-He can survive a killing game and probably any event that is thrown at him, but couldn't fend for himself in the kitchen so easily.
-He wasn't bad, he just had a strange way of improvising.
-Instead of butter, he might use avocado. Instead of icing sugar, he'd use regular sugar mixed with a slight bit of honey.
-He'd always be really nervous about giving it to you, sometimes even thinking about opting out for chocolates instead.
-But, in the end, it'd be amazing??
-Avocado and all??
-You'd split it together while watching a movie.
-He also probably got you flowers but he sometimes didn't because you were too worried about keeping them alive.
-"Y/N, it's really not a big deal—"
-"What if this was our child, Amami?!"
-So it became more of an occasional thing lol

-You'd wake up to a f/c (favourite colour) balloon floating ominously in the corner of your room with a little note attached to it.
-"hey congrats on not dying this year, cake's in the kitchen"
-You'd be up in a split second.
-He'd be lounging on the couch and hear you come in and be all casual about making the cake.
-In reality he'd slaved over it throughout the night but like no big deal or whatever
-You'd take a slice for yourself and him and put the rest in the fridge, only for Ryoma's cats to get to it.
-They didn't die, btw, just kinda got sick. I could never bring myself to write about a cat dying from food poisoning.
-You'd usually keep the balloon in your room until it deflated and it sort of became a tradition to send each other balloons on their birthday with really sardonic quotes on them.
-Overall a good time though.

-She'd be a God at making your day special.
-House? Cleaned and decorated.
-Cake? Baked.
-Present? Wrapped in that really fancy way with ribbons and no visible tape and stuff.
-Card? Personal and enough to make Kaito Momota cry.
-Weave? Snatched.
-Hotel? Trivago.
-She'd take the day off of work and plan a surprise party for you with the DRV3 squad too.
-You'd actually find her at the end of the day exhausted and sleeping on the couch.
-You'd give her a blanket and make her breakfast the next day because God Dammit Kirumi Tojo deserved it.

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