(H) How the DRV3 boys react to you nearly dying

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Killing game AU!

-you two are taking a nice walk through the courtyard, setting up pranks to keep your fellow peers on their toes.
-you're both holding buckets of water to place on the tops of doors.
-'hey, do you hear footsteps--'
-someone is charging at you with a knife.
-you're nearly glued to the floor, while Ouma just smirks as the face of the attacker comes clearer.
-the attacker holds you up by the neck.
-you were bawling.
-'don't be so salty that I called you out for being an assassin, Maki!'
-Ouma noT THE TIME
-Though you couldn't see his face, you knew he was terrified.
-'I'll kill you both right now'
-he attempts to disarm Maki by hitting the knife by splashing her with water out of her hand, but failed.
-she stabbed you.
-she stabbed you both.
-... you wake up in your bed.
-'where's Ouma?'
-Kirumi sighed, tiredly.
-'I've been trying to help you with your wound. However, I was unable to attend to Kokichi. He insisted I tended to you first.'
-you didn't show up to the trail.
-they chose Maki once you told Kirumi what happened.
-The assassin was severely punished.

-It was free time.
-You were helping Kiibo learn more about humans in the library.
-He's so enthralled.
-it's kind of cute.
-he alerts you that he sensed movement.
-it was Kiyo!
-he asked to see you alone.
-in his lab.
-this can only go well.
-you go anyway.
-he takes his dog and cage (I don't know what it's called) and asks you for a favour.
-he asks you to get into the cage.
-you do.
-he locks his lab door.
-he stabbed through the bars.
-you barely missed the katana.
-you thrashed around, only to start screaming, crying.
-Kiibo was wondering where you were, when he heard your screams.
-speedy boi.
-he practically pounded Kiyo into mush.
-he got you out of the cage.
-'oh my God.'
-'it's not what it looks like, Y/N.'
-'you'll get executed!'
-the body discovery announcement played.
-'get out of here alive, okay?'
-you framed yourself.
-everyone voted for you but Kiibo.
-everyone died but him.
-worth it.

Shuichi Saihara-
-he wasn't with you when you got attacked.
-he was looking for you to hang out during free time.
-you didn't see your attacker.
-oh no
-oh no
-oH NO
-You were being chased down the halls.
-you were practically dragged into the nearest lab by someone.
-God no, you were going to die, weren't you?
-a hand was over your mouth.
-you knew that voice.
-the hand released.
-'are you okay?'
-you hug him and don't let go.

-this boi clingy AF
-if anyone tried to hurt you...
-they'd have a bad time.
-wait no wrong fandom

Rantaro Amami-
-you were investigating the mysterious door in the library which you'd found with Amami.
-you spot a flash and go to investigate.
-a camera?
-Amami calls your name.
-you're too deep in thought to notice.
-he spots the medicine ball nearly hitting you.
-a shove.
-his bloody body.
-w h y ?

-he's in the middle of telling you a folklore story when he hears shuffling coming from his bookshelf.
-you offer to investigate.
-b a n g
-he's nearly instantly by your side.
-the bookshelf moves
-bang bang
-you both lay there.
-Shuichi, Tenko, and Himiko Rush to the source of the noise.
-'two bodies have been discovered!'

-who dares attack you?
-you and him were chilling up in a tree and staring at the stars.
-smoke bellows up around you.
-bear in mind the tree is tall AF.
-Kaito looks down.
-Kaito is quick to spot the murderer.
-chewing his liquorice.
-Kaito grabs you hand and attenpts to climb down.
-but you're kind of screwed.
-because this tree is tall.
-and also a tree.
-that is highlY FLAMMABLE.
-Kaito jumps down with you.
-how do his kneecaps not s h a t t e r
-you're legs snap like KitKats.
-let's just say standing for an entire trail is no fun.

-bug boy™ is showing you a ton of different bugs in his lab.
-he excuses himself to get more bugs and you find something around your neck.
-what the actual--
-dragged out of the lab
-you find yourself stood on a chair.
-in a dark room.
-Kokichi appears.
-you yell.
-you scream.
-but no one came (damn wrong fandom again?)
-Ouma has a role in his hand.
-he tugs it.
-you are dangling for a second.
-light floods the room as the door swings open.
-the chair is kicked from beneath you.
-you die choking on your own spit.

Word count - 816

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