(H) The DRV3 Squad Spend Valentine's Day with their S/O

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Whoop whoop happy valentine's day! Can we get an F for all the single pringles out there?
So I had no ideas for the Valentine's Day Special but then I was like WAIT LET'S DO HEADCANONS so I did just that. No killing game AU, gender neutral pronouns used, yada yada yada. Here's the result, and I hope you enjoy it :)

-He dresses up nice for his S/O.
-He'll drop the hat, maybe grab a bowtie, probably buy flowers.
-He'd take you to a movie because he likes to be in the dark (the edgy lad).
-He'd pick something at random, not necessarily romantic because some of the romance movies he has are c h e e s y.
-He'd consider making chocolate and then remember the time he burned a microwave meal because he didn't pop holes in the top of the packaging before putting it in.
-He'd probably hold your hand and tell you he loves him.
-Yes, he hates cheesy things but gOD DAMMIT IF THIS BOY DOESN'T TELL YOU HE LOVES YOU HE WILL I M P L O D E.
-So yeah.
-Fun times.

-She would take you to a fireworks show (with a picnic, obviously).
-She ain't no amateur to romance.
-The day before you got a message from her.
-'You get the flowers and I make the chocolate?'
-'Deal but PLEASE don't burn the kitchen down again.'
-'Teruteru's helping me.'
-'please don't let the tiny demon into you're heart ilysm—'
-The chocolate isn't great (Teruteru was too busy flirting to focus) but you ate it anyway.
-The flowers were pretty though.
-At the end of the night when you both got home she sat at her piano and sung a short love song.
-It was adorable.
-She was adorable.
-You watched movies with popcorn until you both fell asleep on the couch.

-He handled romance okay.
-Like he wasn't a God at it but whatever.
-He kept things simple: a day where you both lay in bed and did nothing but chill and listen to music.
-P e r f e c t i o n .
-You both slept in until morning and took turns making each other breakfast.
-You both went with pancakes because you're sane human beings.
-Then you watched TV and cuddled because, again, you're sane human beings.
-It'd be a good day.

-He'd try making chocolate and think they're no good. You'd find them in the kitchen bin.
-He'd buy flowers but he'd worry that you were allergic. You'd find them wilted in the compost bin.
-He'd set up a movie night and worry about bugging you. You'd find the blankets folded up on the couch.
-So, he struggled to take action. You didn't mind.
-You'd get some popcorn and crisps and tell him you needed him and invite him to sit on the couch.
-You wouldn't watch a movie, just whatever was on TV at the time.
-Neither of you would say much and snack in a comfortable silence.
-You just liked being in each other's presence.
-It'd be pretty peaceful.

-She'd go to a fancy restaurant with you.
-She'd dress very formally but she looked really good.
-You'd talk about everything and anything while you waited for the food and made plans to go out to the theatre later that evening.
-The food was a godsend (mostly because Kirumi knew what she was doing when she was ordering, specifically telling the chefs what they should do to make the food good).
-The theatre was nice, too.
-You saw a musical and held hands during most of the songs.
-Again, it was a peaceful night.

-She loved Valentine's Day and always tries to make it special.
-She likes having a BBQ outside to make smores.
-It just seems like a cute activity to do, Valentine's-y or not.
-If it rains, she makes chocolate inside with you.
-You make a mess but Angie calls it "artistic freedom".
-She'd also probably do some abstract art with you.
-Anything sort of fun and relaxing all day.
-The chocolate would taste very sweet (Angie has a tendency to go overboard with sugar) and the art would look very endearing.
-You'd end the day by praying to Atua for your relationship to continue strongly.
-Angie would tell you that Atua says you are both a perfect fit.
-And that's perfect for you.

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