(H) How the DRV3 boys act around a shy s/o in public

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-He's extremely confident when holding your hand
-a ton of PDA
-if he sees you getting flustered, he'll chill a little bit
-(but he sometimes uses your shyness to his advantage and gets you to blush in public)
-also, if someone else even does so much as look at you they'll be stalked by his organisation.

-you and him agreed to take things slow, since you both had no idea what you were doing
-he occasionally holds your hand, especially if someone tries to hit on you
-he'll try to act all confident then, but inside he'll be an overheating nervous wreck
-it's extremely rare to be seen kissing in public
-but you both are pretty good at keeping the PDA to a minimum

Shuichi Saihara-
-like Kiibo, he's not really assertive.
-you two do walk hand in hand, maybe even kiss a few times, but nothing major.
-people just assume you're really close friends until you kiss
-Shuichi also tries to not make you uncomfortable in public
-but if someone hits on you...
-he'll go full of debate mode.
-he'll be yelling, pointing, and defending himself in a way.
-this embarrasses you, but you know he means well, so you let it be.

-literally no PDA at all.
-hand holding? Nope, not even that.
-sometimes people think he's you little brother
-it's really awkward to explain, so sometimes you just kind of nod your head and leave
-if anyone hit on you, he tries to attack them, but he's too short to do anything.
-the person usually just laughs and forgets about hitting on you.

Rantaro Amami-
-he's okay with PDA
-he holds your hand and kisses you, but mostly in a casual situations.
-you two are known for being a couple, so no-one really hits on you
-but when they do
-Rantaro politely takes them to a side, and tells them something you're never near enough to hear.
-they're quick to leave after that.
-I wonder why?

-He enjoys PDA, and is often found trying to get you flustered
-he's fascinated by your embarrassment
-sometimes you'll be walking hand in hand people will still hit on you
-Kiyo openly threatens to tear out there nerves
-You'd often apologise to the person and swiftly make an exit, scolding Kiyo on the way.
-he'd find it amusing, but roll with it.

-he's a bit indifferent when it comes to PDA
-but in every other sentence, he brings up how happy you both are together
-when people ask you to 'prove it', he doesn't hesitate really.
-but if someone even tells you a platonic compliment
-Kaito appears next to you with his hand in yours.
-"You were saying?"
-instead of being intimidated, the person is creeped out and walks away.
-"I guess you could say I ruined the atmosphere"
-"Kaito stop"

-he doesn't really understand PDA
-and he doesn't talk about you both being in relationship unless it was brought up in conversation
-he's probably the most normal out of them all
-(but if he embarrasses you in public he feels bad for the rest of the day)

((526 words))

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