(O/S) Fuyuhiko x Hanahaki! Reader

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No killing game AU where the reader catches the Hanahaki Disease, an illness where you cough up blood and flowers after developing feelings for someone. You can only be cured by the love being requited or an operation (but the operation removes all romantic feelings from the person with the illness).

It had been three days.
Three days of coughing up blood and petals.
Three days of vomiting constantly.
Three days since he had walked into your life. And damn did you regret going to school that day.

You were in class, doodling as per usual, when you hear the teacher talking about a new student. Lazily, you lifted your heavy head up to look at which dumbass was joining your class. Fuyuhiko Kuzuriyuu, or whatever your teacher said.
You instantly fell in love.
Seriously, what wasn't to love about such a cute face! You loved his hair and his choice of clothing, and was instantly compelled to learn more.
That's when you choked up the first petal, a yellow dandelion petal with a splash of pink blood staining the side. I googled my symptoms when I got home.
Hanahaki disease.

After contemplating whether or not to go to school, you found the will to clamber out of bed so you wouldn't be late.
You wore a f/c oversized sweater with ripped jeans and boots, with a small s/f/c backpack slunk over one shoulder. Satisfied with your attire, you began the long dreaded walk to school.
On the way, you coughed up a lot of petals, all of which were left in the road and being gently blown away by the wind. A few patches of blood hat must have dripped off of the petals lay dejected on the pavement (sidewalk?) as you sped up your walking pace into a gentle jog.
You arrived at school, and made a dash for the bathroom to throw up.

Fuyuhiko's POV

I was on my regular walk to school when I spotted little patches of blood on the sidewalk. At first, I thought it was nothing and just avoided it, until I noticed a few petals stuck to the ground.
Well that's weird.
Tiredly, I just avoided the petals. Though, the more I walked, the more I worried.
"Young master, are you alright?" Peko (who I'd completely forgotten was with me) asked. I nodded, picking up my pace. More petals were on the ground, some being carried off in the wind.
By the time I'd arrived at school, I was about ten minutes late. Peko made her way off to first period while I went to grab my books.
A girl passed me, her feet clacking against the hard floor, until the sound of her footsteps stopped. My books in hand, I turned my head slightly to see her doubled over in pain and on her knees. There was blood on her hands and traces of yellow.
"You okay?" I asked, but I soon mentally face-palmed from the stupidity of the question.
She looked up at me, fear glinting in her eyes.
"Hey, I know I don't have the best reputation but you don't have to be so rude about—"
She quickly got up, dusting herself off, before making a dash for the bathroom. I stared off in the direction she left even after I couldn't see her. I was intrigued, don't get me wrong, but I had to get to class. Or was that just an excuse because I was too scared to find out what was happening with her?
Once I'd finally arrived to first period, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.
I made a mental note to find her during free period.


By free period, I'd had enough. My insides were practically on fire, and my eyes were almost always watering from both sadness and pain. I knew someone with such a strong Ultimate would never even consider dating me, so I got on the phone to the hospital.
"Hello, I'd like to book an appointment to get hanahaki disease treatment? Y-Yes, I'm aware all feelings disappear. Okay, thanks. Bye." I clicked off my phone, a relaxed for the rest of free time.
Or that would have been what happened if a certain someone didn't come up to me.
"Hey, are you okay? I saw you in the halls, and... yeah, just wanted to make sure you didn't die or whatever."
I looked up at him, nervousness taking over. "O-Oh yeah, I'm fine." I nodded, trying to keep a tsunami of petals in my chest. "I-if you'll excuse me..." I tried to weave my way past him, choking up a few petals,
He grabbed my wrist. "Come on, why the Hell are you trying to avoid me?"
I swallowed thickly, trying to get him away. "I just don't want you to get sick, okay? Please leave me alone."
Hesitantly, he let go. "Okay, but don't die or any of that shit, okay?"
I nodded before running to the bathroom.

Bad Ending (still Y/N's POV)

I came out of the operation with a bandage binding my chest and a feeling of hollowness.
"It's just a side-effect." The doctor had said. "Don't worry about it."
When I woke up the next morning, I felt normal. I coughed up a few stray petals, but other than that, it was good.
Fuyuhiko approached me with dandelions. There was a ghost of a smile on his face.
He asked me out.
Hesitantly, I explained that I didn't like him back. He seemed crushed.
"B-But what about the hanahaki disease?"
"I got the operation. I'm sorry. I didn't think that someone like you would return my feelings. Now, if you'd excuse me..." I spoke only in numbness, and made my way off to class.
We never spoke again.

Good Ending (Fuyuhiko's POV)

The penny dropped as I left the school building to go home. Hanahaki disease.
Even after school, my head was drowning in it's own thoughts. So, I decided to put my nerves to rest by following Y/N home. Not in a creepy way, damn it, but just to reassure myself that I was overreacting.
Peko had reluctantly agreed to let me do it alone, so I kept at least a five metre distance from her as I walked. She seemed to be choking on her own breath.
She turned away from the route which had blood on it, and towards the local hospital.
That was enough for me to talk to her.
"Y/N, where the Hell are you going?"
"I'm getting an operation done."
"What? Now?"
"Yes. Wait, can I try something?"
"Sure. Go ahead."
We stood awkwardly in the street for a second.
"Spit it out already, God!"
"I just can't say I love you, asshole!"
I noticed her breathing got clearer. I pecked her on the cheek. "Cool, now you can actually talk to me like a normal person."

Word count - 1167.

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