(O/S) Human!Kiibo x Despair Sisters

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OOC Despair Sisters ahead! Requested by @reaper787
No killing game AU!
Fic title: Emotions ((I really couldn't think of a title lol))

Mukuro wasn't the type to get crushes - she saw them as a waste of time. So when she realised she had a mild crush on Kiibo, she did everything in her power to stay away from him.
That was difficult, since they shared almost all of their classes together.
However, when Junko started developing feelings for the innocent student, she was quick to try and seduce him.
Mukuro would merely watch in a boiling stew of envy.
At lunch Mukuro decided to do something about the jealousy that was tearing her apart so rapidly.
"Junko, hello." Mukuro greeted formally, he face stayed emotionless.
"Mukuro, hey." Junko waved and flicked her hair out of her face. "You came just in time. I'm going to ask out Kiibo Can you get him away from his friends for a sec and bring him to me?"
Mukuro's face went white, her eyes gazing at the ground. How could she disobey her sister like that? "S-Sure." She sighed, defeatedly.

Kiibo's POV

I was trying to make conversation with Miu and Shuichi about a science project when a girl I'd never really spoken with before approached me. She had bobbed black hair a blue eyes that were staring straight down into mine. Was she blushing?
"Hey! Kii-boy!" Miu asked. "Who's your friend?"
"Sorry, I believe an introduction is in order. My name is Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Solider. It's a pleasure to talk with you up close."
"Oh, the pleasure's all mine. I'm Kiibo."
"I believe we have some classes together. I was wondering if I could ask to talk to you alone at some point today? Now would be the most convenient time." If I was completely honest, I was blushing slightly from the formalities. She wasn't trying to beat around the bush, and I respected her for that.
"Sure. Hey, Miu, Shuichi, I'll be right back."
We sauntered away from the group, only to find her leading me to a pink-haired girl. I had to admire her appearance - not that Mukuro-san didn't look attractive, but this girl certainly had my interest.
"Hey! Thanks Mukuro." The girl giggled. Confused, I approached her.
"Ah, hello. My name is—"
"Kiibo, I know, let's cut to the chase. I'm Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Fashionista! I've watched you in some of our classes, and have heard a lot about you!"
Despite her rude interruption, I couldn't help but be intrigued. My interest? Piqued.
"Anyway," she continued after briefly pausing for breath, "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out after school? Get to know each other, you know?" She gave me a sweet smile. "You're one of the few people in this school who're interesting, you know?"
"Um... I'll have to think about it. Is it like a date, or—?" Again, I was interrupted.
"—Well if you see it as one, sure!"
"Junko." Ikusaba hesitantly stated. She didn't look Enoshima in the eyes like she did with me. "Maybe you should let Kiibo talk?"
"Shut up, like you know anything about social skills anyway. No boy wants to talk to you, idiot."
She scrunched up a little, a trait I wasn't expecting to see from the Ultimate Soldier. "Oh..." she said, her emotionless facade crumbling slightly. "Okay."
"So, have you thought about it yet?"
"Junko-san, that's not what I meant..."

Junko's ending

What's the worst that could happen? I told myself as Enoshima kept prompting me with questions. She seems interesting and fun enough, so why not?
"Sure, Junko, I'd love to hang out." When Mukuro sighed with disappointment, I turned to her and smiled. "It's not that you aren't nice or anything, just... we're not meant to be. Perhaps when you find a date we could go on a double date?"
Ikusaba smiled slightly, her facade crumbling a little bit more. "I appreciate your kind words, Kiibo. You've found an excellent date." She turned, and walked away, leaving me and Junko to discuss where we'd go on a date.

Mukuro's ending

"J-Junko-san, I do not wish to offend you, but I'd like to get to know Mukuro." I turned to the black-haired girl. "If it's okay with you?"
Mukuro, trying to hide a smile. "If Junko doesn't mind, then sure, I'd—"
"Who do you think you are?!" Junko snapped. "Of course I mind!"
"Who do you think you are, barking at Mukuro like a dog!" I shot back, glaring knives. Junko, pissed, stormed off while cursing us both.
I turned and smiled at Mukuro. "Dodged that bullet."

Word count - 783.

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