(O/S) Himiko x Fem/Male! Trickster! Reader

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No killing game AU. This is going to be how the two met before the killing game and then what happened during the killing game. Enjoy!

You were at your kindergarten. All of the kids were sat down in rows in front of a humongous stage.
A teacher sauntered up on stage, and explained that it was time for the annual talent show. One by one, all the participants would show off their Ultimate Talents. Some 'guests' were let into school, too, so you made sure you were on your best behaviour. You were hardly a goody two-shoes, but everyone knew that to be a good trickster you had to hide behind deceit.
Most of the acts bored you with their simplicities. Singing? Boooring. Dancer? Yawn. Musician? Zzzz.
Then, she came up.
You noticed her bright red hair, and her equally crimson eyes scanned the crowd. She put an oversized witches' hat on her head, and opened her mouth to speak.
"Today," you noticed her speech was slightly slurred, "I will be doing some maaaagic!" She drawled out the last word, and leapt up into the air. The students cheered, while the guests scribbled something down into a notebook. It looked like two simple diagonal slashes - an 'x'.
She started by pulling a table cloth from underneath a ton of tableware, and did a few card tricks.
"Can I please have a volunteer from the audience?"
Your hand shot up.
"You, with the h/c hair!"
You had to admit, looing back, she was very professional for her age.
"Now," she clearer her throat slightly, turning to the audience. "I have a maaaagic wand here." She passed me the black and white stick. "Now, I want you to tap it on this table and say 'abracadabra'."
You nodded, slightly flustered, and did as you were ask.
A bunch of red roses popped out of the top. Discombobulated, (been dying to use that word lol) you flinched back, red faced and chuckling.
"Y/N, will you go on a date with me when we're older?"
Chirpily, you nodded.

That was then.
Now you were in a horrendous killing game. It was free time, so you decided to look for Himiko to finally confront her about the one memory that stuck with you. However, before you could even get to the door, you heard the doorhbell. Opening the door, you saw the Ultimate Mage with a bunch of roses in her hand.
She hadn't forgotten.

Word count - 410.

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