(O/S?) The DRV3 cast go on a roadtrip

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No killing game AU. Mostly platonic, enjoy <3

Korekiyo decided to invite his peers to visit his sister for the summer (because she is alive in this AU). This lead Kokichi to devise a long, convoluted plan to visit everyone's family. Eventually, Kirumi hires two vans. It could conveniently fit eight in each, including a driver. Kirumi drives Van A, with Maki, Kaito, Kokichi, Saihara, Kaede, Kiibo and Angie in the back. Korekiyo drives Van B with Himiko, Tenko, Tsumugi, Ryoma, Rantaro, Miu and Gonta in the back.
Of course, Kirumi being a literal mother, buys snacks to shut everyone (mostly Kokichi) up. The only real squabble they had was what music would be played, since Kaede and Angie were having a full on scrum debate with Shuichi and Kaito about whether or not they should listen to Adele. Angie said that Atua would curse everyone in their sleep if they didn't listen to the said musician, so eventually everyone shut up and let her win. However, in Van B, Ryoma was constantly being bugged by Tenko's loud-ass remarks about men. He asked her to shut up, and boy did things get heated. Miu ended up throwing her snacks everywhere in attempts to shut everyone up, and Rantaro (being used to this since he had literally millions of sisters) sat and stared out of the window. Himiko tried to get his attention with her 'maaaagic tricks', but he kept blanking her out. This earned him a punch in the arm from Himiko's feminazi (almost) wife. Korekiyo sent a prayer of thanks to Atua when they arrived at a service station. And no, he didn't believe in Atua. That's desperation with the SHSL Stalker.
The squad meet up and decide to just sleep in the vans since they weren't too fond of leaving all of their belongings to sleep in a Travelodge. Kokichi draws on Kiibo's face while he slept because the poor purple-haired boy couldn't sleep, and nearly got beat up by Maki, and by extension Kaito (because of course he'd side with her), for waking her up.
By morning, Kirumi insisted that she could continue driving without breakfast, but that quickly got debunked by Ryoma, who insisted that they all stopped at McDonalds.
"Is the wittle baby getting hungwy?"
"Kokichi, I swear—"
Angie refused to eat processed food and prayed to Atua instead, eating one of Kirumi's snacks.
Everyone agreed to change where they were sitting. In Van A, Kaito drove with Maki riding shotgun, with Saihara, Miu, Korekiyo, Kiibo, Angie and Himiko in the back.
In Van B, Tsumugi drove with Kaede riding shotgun, with Gonta, Tenko, Rantaro, Ryoma, Kirumi and Kokichi in the back.
Kokichi would be calling Rantaro an avocado the whole way there and just being a dick. Tsumugi and Kaede should be nicknamed the SHSL Peace Keepers, because damn they learned how to shut down the dude quickly.
"Kokichi, tease anyone again and you'll not get any Panta for the rest of the summer. And if you start crying or whining, I'll put you in a room filled with pigs' feet!"
That was enough to get him to pipe down.
Meanwhile, in Van A, Miu was trying to get Kiibo to show off all of his 'kick-ass instillations' (as she put it). Angie was busily trying to 'save Himiko from the sinful discussion' while Ryoma and Kirumi were just being the most rational people in the van with Saihara joining in on their normal conversational ice-breakers. Korekiyo was just listening and taking mental notes, as well as complimenting Angie occasionally.
After a two-day drive, Korekiyo welcomed everyone into his and his sister's home. They all split up after that and did their own thing, until Kokichi proudly and loudly announces...
"Guys! Don't forget! In a few days we'll be back on the road to meet DICE and all of your less-cool families!"

Word count - 658.

((Part two? Like the texting chapter, I really loved writing this. It's a nice change from oneshots and headcanons, lol.))

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