(O/S) Mondo x Male! Reader

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Bxb babyyyyy (No Killing AU)
((Happy birthday you corn-haired angst-king))
Fic Title: Biker's Birthday Bash


Y/N: hey, Mondo
Mondo: hey loser
Y/N: woooow lol
Mondo: are you nearly here? I can't see u
Y/N: yeah I'll be there in two
Mondo: hours or minutes?
Y/N: minutes you moron :P

I sighed as I wandered the empty streets. Bass was thumping, filling the hollowness, and lights that dancing at the end of my street marked my end destination. Mondo's birthday bash - my closest friend's birthday bash.
At first I was hesitant to go. I secretly feared his gang, and feared them going to this party even more. In the end, I was encouraged to suck it up by my good friend Aoi and just go. My logic told me that they wouldn't be there.
I picked up my pace a bit and soon found my heart pulsating to the rhythm of the song.
Everyone was holding red solo cups, dancing or chatting, some people doing... more specific things.
"Hey, Y/N!"
I felt a hand slap my back and turned around to greet a smiling Mondo. "Glad you finally made it!"
"Glad to be here, Mondo." I replied, scanning the sea of drunk teenagers.
He lead me away into the ocean, and anxiety began to settle into my chest. I took a deep breath and waded through the crowd. For God's sake, even Ishimaru was there (and boy was he hammered), with Celeste. ISHIMARU AND CELESTE WERE AT THIS PARTY OF ALL PEOPLE. Celeste was demanding that the DJ played her fire mixtape.
Maizano was hanging in the bathroom with Leon (who was throwing up really loudly) with Naegi awkwardly patting the redhead's back.
Hagakure was SMASHED to put it lightly. He was stumbling around from person to person and flirting with them. The weirdest part was that I was ninety-nine percent sure that Hagakure was straight.
Eventually, he stumbled over to me. Mondo, who was watching his party with a look of proud satisfaction on his face, forgot about me for a second.
"Heyyy, Y/N-chi..." his words dragged out and he had a crystal ball in one hand and a red solo cup in the other (the alcohol slowly spilling out of the cup onto the carpet). "I see you in my future...~"
Was that supposed to be flirtatious? Funny? I wasn't sure.
Upon hearing that phrase, Mondo spun around and glared at Hagakure. "Lay off, dude."
"Or you'll what?"
Ooooh boy this was going downhill fast.
I almost pitied Hagakure. He was clearly not in the right state of mind right now and he didn't know what he was doing. He'd probably wake up the next day with no memory of invading my personal space like that.
A sickening smack made me wince.
At first I thought the worst - Hagakure would be waking up forgetting how he managed to get a broken jaw, plus all of the above.
When I opened my eyes with hesitance, I spotted Mondo with his hand on Hagakure's back. "Sod off." He laughed lightheartedly before shoving Hagakure roughly away. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be aggressive or not.
"Hey, Y/N, is Hagakure straight?" Mondo randomly asked after leading me off to a quieter (but still very loud) corner of his house.
"Uh, yeah, I think so."
"Nothing. I'm going outside for a bit."

Mondo's POV

On my way to get some fresh air, I was stopped by some of my gang members. They were tipsy and polishing their bikes outside.
"Hey, Mondo! Who's that dude you keep hanging out with?" Their words slurred more than usual.
"Are you gay?" Another one chimed in.
"Jesus, that's personal!"
"Chill out, man," Replied another member (who was probably high and not drunk). "We don't judge."
"Psh. Whatever."
"Listen here," the first one that spoke (Baiku) placed a hand on my should. "Tell him tonight or we will."
"B-But I don't like him?" Why did it sound like a question?
Baiku shrugged. "You mean you're just not out yet. Chill, man, just... I don't know... tell him..."
I rolled my shoulder and watched as his hand fell back to his side. "Fine. But don't come crying to me when you have no leader because I'm hanging out with my hot boyfriend."


Oh God, Mondo definitely ditched me. Is it even possible to ditch your own party?
Just as I was about to up and leave due to the thickening crowds, Mondo's hair stuck out in the crowd. He seemed to be making beeline towards me.
He actually bumped into me when he finally got through the crowd, which made me blush.
"Mondo, what's wrong?" I asked, looking up/down at him.
He glared at the ground.
"Kiss me."
"Kiss me now."
Without giving me chance to respond, he quickly kissed me. Left in a daze, it took me a second to realise Mondo's biker gang were watching us and cheering, wolf-whistling, and (most of all) screaming with pride.
Mondo grabbed my hand and lifted up into the air, almost taking the rest of me off the ground, before loudly proclaiming.
"Hear that, Hagakure? That's the sound of success!"
That's the day when I realised I was gay for my best friend.

Word count - 893.

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