(H) The DRV3 squad with a short s/o

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Requested by @fransthemacthmaker. Gender neutral terms used. Enjoy!

-Quite happy with your height.
-Will like playing with your hair and probably finds you struggling to reach stuff cute.
-She bought you a ton of step stools to help you get to higher places when she's not around.
-She probably picks you up a lot, too, and enjoys carrying you.

-He feels so  a w k w a r d .
-like sometimes he'll just crouch down slightly when talking to you??
-he wouldn't dare pick you up in case you get offended.
-however he often tries to investigate what you're doing so he can prepare by putting things within reach when you weren't looking.
-he is really trying to be sweet, I swear—

-Sing it with me now...
-he has a short sibling, so he knows his shit.
-nah, but he's actually really cool about it and doesn't help you unless you ask.
-He sometimes randomly picks you up and spins you around.
-You can't really fight back so you just sort of let it happen.
-sometimes people mistake you for one of his many siblings, and you can just see the awkward sheen in their eyes when you correct them.

-he literally could not care less.
-he's honestly sort of thankful?
-like if he had a super tall s/o he'd feel really awkward, so he's glad go have someone he can actually see eye to eye with.
-people joke about how you were meant to be since you're both so short.
-you'd just give each other the look, like asking for permission to bite their ankles.
-so yeah
-pretty cool guy.

-As we all know by now, she's super caring.
-Basically, she'd keep everything you'd need in reach.
-She doesn't really pick you up much or make fun of your height.
-She just is glad to have such a nice s/o.
-Sometimes she accidentally leans on you though.

-She picks you up constantly.
-Seriously, your feet barely touch the ground.
-She spins you around in her arms despite your objections, singing praise to Atua as she does.
-She often pokes fun at your height but is sincerely apologetic when she takes it too far.

-"Maybe if you train, you'll get taller!"
-You'd still train with her but sometimes the punching bags would be too high since she likes them to be pretty far off the ground.
-She's the type to insult you about your height in attempts to motivate you to get taller?
-Yeah, she doesn't have the best logical thinking skills.
-Still, you know she has good intentions.

-Ah, the agony of trying to kiss a walking talking tree.
-Hugging was a bit of a nightmare too.
-You still loved each other though.
-You often wanted to be the one helping him out, using your shortness to your advantage to get him things from the bottom cabinets since he can't be bothered to get down.
-Still, I mean, he's cute so—

-She invents very stable stilts for you to wear around the house since she wants you to be the taller one in the relationship.
-They actually work really well.
-She'd almost always knock you off of them when she tackle hugs you, though.
-She promised to find a way to make you grow taller in the near future, but for now stilts would have to suffice.

-He lets you go on his back all the time.
-Especially if you were going bug hunting and you wanted to look at some of the bugs in the trees.
-He'd often be really worried that you'd break a bone or something because you were so smol.
-Sweet bug boi.

-he'd tease you even though you were practically the same height.
-but at least you can both set pranks from below (unless he gets Gonta to help him).
-the amount of tripwires you'd set up on each other was insane.
-since you were roughly the same height hugging would be pretty chill.
-pretty normal dating experience.
-or as normal as a dating experience with Kokichi Oma could be.

-He'd just joke around a lot, often by picking you up mid conversation and smirking to himself.
-He'd often pat you on the head if he felt like really teasing you.
-He said that technically he's pretty short if you compare him to the infinite size of space.
-I mean it honestly didn't help; it just threw you into an existential crisis.

-She'd probably be a bit patronising about it.
-She doesn't mean to be patronising, it's just who she is.
-You honestly find it cute the way she panics about being PC.
-Oh well.
-Tsumugi was just being Tsumugi.

-Does lots and lots of research on how to be a supportive boyfriend to his short s/o.
-Buys you those litter grabbers so you can reach stuff??
-I mean you mostly use it to grab stuff if you're too lazy to stand up but still—
-I don't really have many more head canons for this boi?
-Probably has an extendable arm which he also uses.

-Would make fun of you.
-A lot.
-She often let you struggle to reach something for a few minutes before helping you out just because it was entertaining.
-She wasn't particularly tall herself but whatever.
-You secretly loved her hypocritical teasing but no one needed to know.

-Every single day this girl would try desperately to make you grow with a spell.
-They always failed, but it was cute to see her try.
-She wanted to be the short one in the relationship, but she'd take an s/o who was roughly the same height.
-Overall she's pretty chill about your height.

Word count - 965.

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