(O/S) Male! Tenko x Tsundere(?)!Reader

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((So I got wifi, but only temporarily. Wanted to get this out, still five days or so of hiatus. Thank you for 2k reads!))
Tried to keep the pronouns g/n for this. Also, I'm sorry I don't do more female characters x readers, but it's because I just don't enjoy writing them. But if you request a female character I'll gladly write it! Enjoy!
Fic title: HIYAH!


Ever since the killing game fired up, I spent most of my time working out. Maybe it was out of caution, so that I could protect myself and stuff, but it was mostly to burn off the angry energy that was building up inside of me.
"Hey, if it isn't my favourite female!"
"Tenko, hi!"
I turned to see the black-haired student bowing before me. I was quick to turn back to my punching bag, mostly to hide my blush.
"I got tired of hanging out with the degenerate males. I swear I'm the only good one in this... place." He sighed, sauntering towards the equipment cupboard. He hauled out another punching and hung it up next to mine.
"So," he began, stretching his arms. "Found an exit?"
"Haven't been looking." I replied between my deep breaths. "No point, is there?" Clouds of breath puffed before me, making me realise just how cold it truly was.
He glanced at me between punches with his pine green eyes. "You seem tired."
"As if."
"Come on, we should grab a drink or something." He held out his hand, smiling slightly. Despite his very... aggressive outlook towards certain groups of people and life in general, he could be sweet. Of course, I'd never admit that out loud.
Coyly, I took his hand. "This means nothing." I snapped tartly. "I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?"
"Meet you by the water fountain?"
"I don't care, whatever."
Of course I wasn't actually going to the bathroom. No, I just slipped out of the dojo and took myself to Kaede's lab. I didn't knock on straight away, however - I traced my fingers along the door's carved piano pattern. I balled my fist. One, two, three knocks.
The door cracked open as a single magenta eye checked my identity, only for the blonde-haired girl to smile when she was reassured that it was, in fact, just me.
"Y/N! You look exhausted."
"Been working out."
"Was there something you needed? You're not here to kill me, are you?" She laughed after saying the last part, so I was glad that at least someone could stay optimistic.
Hesitation clogged my throat. It would be so easy to just dismiss my presence and hide away in my dorm for the rest of the day, but I closed my eyes and asked if I could enter her lab. Tenko would be disappointed in me if he knew that I'd taken the easy way out.
She welcomed me to sit beside her on her piano stool and asked me what was up.
"Well, I'm guessing you know a lot about love, right? And how to cope with it?"
"Yeah, why? Ooh, does my dearest Y/N have a crush?" She drew out the last word far longer than necessary.
I sighed and made her vow not to tell anyone.
"It's Tenko."
"I see. Well, why don't you talk to him?"
I chuckled at first, figuring that she was joking. Her face was as serious as I'd ever seen it. "Wait, are you being serious?"
She brushed some of my h/c hair out of my face. "Absolutely. If you don't, I'll tell Oma."
Even Gonta would be afraid of such a threat. Mini-Hitler, needless to say, would twist the truth or (even worse) spread such an embarrassing truth.
"You're cruel."
"I know." She giggled playfully. "But seriously. By tonight, I want to see you holding hands and being a happy couple."
"Fine." I said without thinking. "I'll show you how amazing the great Y/N can be!"


"Y/N, where were you?" Just his voice made me blush.
"Sorry, sorry, I bumped into Kaede after I left the bathroom. I completely forgot about our meet-up plan!"
He sighed, his once vibrant eyes dulling over into a lime green. Walking away, he spoke, "It's cool, I was just hoping to spend some time with you."
"Y-You wanted to spend time with me?"
"Of course...? I... just want you to be happy, and I can bring joy to literally anyone!"
"You have a point."
"Don't I always?"
His confident facade faded into that of worry. "But, in any case, I heard that Himiko was performing a magic show in a week or so. I was hoping that..."
I pecked him on the cheek.
"I'd love to be your date to the show."

Kaede was brutally dragged away to execution. All I could imagine after that was her hanging corpse, still swinging. It almost stopped, but the weight of the piano lid crushing her made it impossible to tell if she truly stopped moving or not.
However, Tenko took it upon himself to cheer everybody up. He made an extra effort with me.
...I was so glad to watch Korekiyo boil alive.

Word count - 855.

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