(H) The DRV3 squad at a pool party

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Requested by KirtyGalaxywhiskers. Enjoy!


-ha ha
- n o
-He never really liked swimming, since it just seemed like such an inconvenient way to work out.
-He'd usually chill with his feet in dangling in the water as he read a book on the side.
-Even though Kokichi often pulled him in and ruined his books he'd still do it.
-He'd probably have a water gun and squirt people.
-He might put soapy water in it just to piss people off because, c'mon, even nerds can have fun.


-Always has a blast.
-She'd come prepared.
-We're talking floats, water guns, snacks, at least twenty pairs of goggles...
-She'd probably be the one throwing the party tbh.
-She'd always go up on the highest diving board and cry as she jumped.
-She claimed it was just the pool water getting to her or something and she wasn't scared.
-Also she'd probably have fun dragging people underwater, even if they were holding food.


-He'd just chill by the snacks and try not to get attacked by Shuichi's water gun.
-He'd also be a good substitute for a lifeguard, since he'd probably one of the most responsible dudes there.
-Would be a bit of a show off and dive off of the highest board without breaking a sweat.
-Often was tricked into giving people mouth-to-mouth.
-The author says, glaring intensely at Kokichi, Kaede and Tsumugi.
-I mean he'd do it but still—


-Probably in the shallow end since he'd literally drown if his feet don't touch the floor.
-He can't swim but he liked the shallow end.
-Smol bean would be accidentally splashed by Gonta and nearly dies.
-I like to think Rantaro has to give him mouth to mouth but hey—
-Would probably grab a water gun with Shu and start squirting whoever pisses him off.
-It would probably be Tenko tbh.


-Would be full-on mother mode.
-Would be a lifeguard with Rantaro.
-The bearer of snacks.
-Made sure Kokichi didn't have too much sugar.
-She'd swim, but only to make sure that nobody was dying.
-Wouldn't even go near the diving, since she has a crippling fear of falling.
-Gotta love her.


-Would be splashing everyone.
-Sometimes she held people underwater??
-People began fearing that she was a serial killer trying to drown her soon-to-be victims.
-Would often chill with Gonta in the deep end, even though she couldn't stand up.
-She'd love the thrill of diving and would hog it a lot.
-She'd even fight Tenko for it.
- T e n k o .
-She was a super graceful swimmer // diver too.
-Love the bean.


-In a never ending war with Angie over who gets the diving board.
-Often has a myriad of water guns at her disposal which she takes into the pool and shoots at people.
-She duels with Ryoma over petty disagreements.
-Enjoys pushing people into the pool.
-Will murder you if you even think about pushing her into the pool.
-When she's not swimming she's eating all the ice-pops.
-Then the human sugar rush basically splashes everyone in the pool until they cry.


-that's a solid no from him.
-He has a crippling fear of water, especially warm water in pools and hot tubs.
-He'll usually sit near or by Shuichi with an entire library's worth of anthropology books.
-He'd often be the one taking the pictures and he'd be satisfied with watching everyone else have fun.
-If he felt confident (or tipsy) enough he'd shoot everyone with water pistols mercilessly.
-He used to be dragged in the pool a lot until it actually started giving him panic attacks.
-No, but like
-He nearly drowned one time from being so afraid of drowning.
-However he's still a big target for water guns.
-Gotta compromise somewhere, Kiyo.


-Everyone in that pool better run.
-She'd be screwing everything up.
-Throwing food into the water which Kirumi would have to fish out.
-Being in the most revealing costume imaginable and being forced to either wear a towel or buy a decent one from the nearby supermarket.
-Often nearly drowning and frantically kicking her legs as she tries to flirt with Gonta.
-Enjoys pretending to drown to tease Kirumi and Rantaro.
-Mostly Rantaro.
-Everyone wants mouth-to-mouth off of the avocado ffs—


-Would try to be civil and just stand in the deep end having fun in his own Gonta way.
-He'd love it if a bee came up to him to 'say hello'.
-Everyone else would be frantically splashing the bug.
-He'd try to teach Ryoma how to swim without accidentally drowning him.
-Nothing else to add to this sweet boi's thing rlly lol.


-he'd be a prick.
-He'd be splashing people, pulling people down into the depths of the pool, blocking the diving board, eating a ton of snacks, whining and crying, etc.
-However, he'd also bring in twenty bottles of dish soap and just dump them into the pool with the caps off as indiscreetly as humanly possible.
-^^He found the easiest way was to chuck the bottles without the caps on and dive into the pool, grabbing three of the bottles and holding them underwater with him (since the plastic floats). If he ever had to come up for breath, he'd just stand on them in the shallow end.
-When they were all empty he'd let them float to the top of the pool and dispose of them.
-Everyone was pissed at how bubbly it was.
-Also, side tangent, he can dive into the shallow end because he's just that short.


-This boy is super hyped.
-He would splash a lot and enjoy racing people to the other side of the pool.
-He'd be on assassin lifeguard duty rather than assistant lifeguard duty since he was only looking out for Maki.
-People would joke about how somebody drowning in this very pool and how that person's ghost still haunts it to this day.
-He would start tearing up, probably, and just sit on the side for the rest of the day.
-RIP the bean.


-She'd come in the most extravagant swimming costume.
-And she wouldn't even swim since the pool water could ruin her outfit.
-Either that or she'd cosplay as, like, Aoi or someone.
-She'd stay pretty chill.
-Just having fun and eating.
-So yeah.


-Even though he's waterproofed, that doesn't mean he could just go and swim.
-The first time he went to a pool party he dived in and nearly died, only to be saved by Miu's technological genius.
-So he'd just watch in mild envy.
-Miu would promise to get him fully waterproofed and make his body less heavy so he could actually swim.
-Maybe even add a cute little floating function.
-Alas, for now Kiibo must dick about with water pistols and pretend to eat some snacks to feel like a validated member of society.
-Protect him.


-She surprising enjoyed herself at the pool party.
-She'd mostly work on the music and relax in the hot tub.
-If Kaito joined her she'd just close her eyes and pray that she wasn't a blushing mess.
-If she did go into the main pool she'd complain that it was either too hot or too cold.
-Poor gal.


-She'd try to walk on water at least three times.
-When she failed she'd blame everyone from splashing a lot,
-Did I mention that she didn't come in a swimming costume?
-She had to change into one since she was dripping wet by the end of her attempts to walk on water.
-She had a pretty god time practicing her 'elemental water magic'.
-Also she'd enjoy diving since it made her feel like she was magically flying.
-Protect the smol mage.

Word count - 1310.

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