(O/S) Kokichi x Shy! Fem! Reader

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Requested by KirtyGalaxywhiskers. Hope you enjoy! T/W: anxiety? Also I tried to make Kokichi kind of inappropriate?? Idk
Fic title: The Introvert and The Leader


I didn't want to go out that night. I wanted to stay inside and relax and eat ice cream on the couch with my boyfriend. He, on the other hand, really wanted to go to a party.
So I decided to tag along in fear that he would leave me if I didn't. I felt like if I didn't go, he would see me as boring and leave. So, I panicked and followed him.
And that's how I ended up stuck in a packed room with little to no breathing space.
"Hey! Are you having fun?" Some girl asked. I think her name was Kaede, from my geometry class.
I nodded silently and slipped away into the less-crowded back garden. The air was hardly fresh - the stench of alcohol stung at my nose and smoke began to clog at my throat. My heart was thumping to the beat of the base.
Sighing in defeat, I took out my phone and plugged in my headphones. I really did want to try for Kokichi's sake, but I just couldn't.
I sat on a patch of the dry grass and started scrolling through my options of music, before eventually deciding on f/s.
I stared at the large house I'd just left. The lights were flashing and I could see silhouettes of people throwing up and dancing and doing... more specific things. On paper it seemed fun. In reality, I needed a while to breath.
"Hey hey hey!" Kokichi, who was definitely at least somewhat intoxicated, grinned and plonked himself down next to me. He'd shambled out of the house, bumping into anyone and everyone. It was probably on purpose. Oh Kokichi.
"Oh, hi."
"Having fun?"
"Yeah. It's pretty cool. You don't look like you're having fun. Here. Come on. Come on." His words were slightly slurred and he dragged me up and turned my phone off. "We're dancing like they do in the movies."
He just took both of my hands and started ballroom dancing. Not even to the music. Just awkwardly swaying about in the garden.
"Oma..." I half-chuckled, slowly leading him to a quieter corner as he drifted back towards the house.
But the purple-haired man-child was insistent. He pulled me back through the door to the house and I felt my heartbeat quicken. He was definitely tipsy so I couldn't blame him, and I didn't want to ruin his night, but the amount of people... the crowd was at least six bodies thick.
I felt my pulse thump in my throat and tears prick at my eyes. I could barely hear myself think.
Kokichi, despite his current state, picked up on the hint. "Are you okay?"
I let out a sigh and shook my head meekly. "I'm sorry, Kokichi. I really am."
He gave me a small smile. "We could have another sort of fun at home if you want~?"
"K-Kokichi?!" I chuckled, shocked.
"See? I made you laugh, didn't I? Come on, I can't have my fellow supreme leader upset. Like I said, going home will be much better for fun~"
"Really, Oma?"
"Come on, you'll have to drive though."
I dried my small tears. "If you really don't mind..."
Next thing I knew I was trying to get the drowsy Kokichi in the back. He'd passed out from either the alcohol or tiredness - it was really anybody's guess. My car trundled down the road and I opened my window to get some fresh air.
My heartrate thudded slower, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Kokichi had his head lolling to the side as he slept. When I stopped the car I was forced to lift my shorter partner (or 'fellow ruler' as he preferred me to call him) and carry him to his room. I lay him on his bed and he opened his eyes. "Nishishi. Thanks for saving me the energy. Now I can use the energy you saved me to thank you~"
Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but to let a smile creep onto my face as I closed the door.
The night wasn't a complete waste - it helped me see how amazing Kokichi was as a date.
EDIT: the ending was not meant to sound so... intimate. The idea was that Y/N left Kokichi alone and reflected on how he wasn't all that bad. Sorry for any confusion caused!

Word count - 735.

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