(Texting) The DRV3 cast get a group chat

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Kokichi added Kirumi, Ryoma, K1-B0, Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Tsumugi, Gonta, Korekiyo, Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Rantaro, and Miu to The Group Chat.

Kokichi: What's up
Shuichi: I appreciate the correct grammar.

Kokichi changed the chat name to 'A bunch of nerds'
Kokichi changed Kirumi's name to your mum
Kokichi changed Kaito's name to the star of the show (jk)
Kokichi changed Kaede's name to generic protag
Kokichi changed K1-B0's name to gay roomba

Gay roomba: Really, Kokichi?
Ryoma: I swear if you make me a stupid nickname I'll break your neck.
Kokichi: could you even reach my neck?

Kokichi changed Ryoma's name to literally a child

Tenko: I heard Ryoma's door slam
Kokichi: I'll change all your names while I find a place to hide
Literally a child: Coward.

Kokichi changed Shuichi's name to Sherlock No
Kokichi changed Miu's name to ew
Kokichi changed Angie's name to Atuaaaaaaa
Kokichi changed Tenko's name to kick me
Kokichi changed Rantaro's name to Guacamole
Kokichi changed Himiko's name to Parry Hotter
Kokichi changed Korekiyo's name to kekeke
Kokichi changed Tsumugi's name to please accept me
Kokichi changed Gonta's name to bugbrained moron
Kokichi changed Maki's name to edgy
Maki changed Kokichi's name to arrogant coward

Arrogant coward: That's fair
Literally a child: where the hell are you
Gay roomba: hiding in in his wardrobe
Ew: I guess you could say he's hiding in the closet
Gay roomba: Yes, that is exactly what he is doing.
Edgy: ...how would you know
Arrogant coward: I asked him to hide me in so he picked me up and threw both himself and I into my closet and melted the lock
Gay roomba: better safe than sorry?
Ew: stop talking.
Literally a child: I guess being locked in a closet until you beg mum to let you out is better than being pummelled into the ground so I'll let you both live.
Parry Hotter: ...
The star of the show (jk): ...did you just call Kirumi mum?
kick me: I thought you only called her Kirumi or Tojo or something??
Your mum: Do not worry, Hoshi, I am not offended.
Kekeke: aaaand Hoshi's door slammed
Kekeke: and the lock turned.

—Some minutes later—

Arrogant coward: I smell food
Atuaaaaaaaa: Atua has blessed us all with the greatness of Kirumi's cooking (>^-^)>
Parry Hotter: i used my maaaagic to summon Kirumi
Your mum: In actuality, I felt that I had failed as a maid for making Hoshi feel embarrassed, so I ade him some cookies
Literally a child: oh god my door is banging
Arrogant coward: LET ME IN
generic protag: guys, on three we all kick the door
Your mum: please speak in person
Ew: lol wuts an in-person
Sherlock No: this grammatical error abuse is why I'm so glad I'm not helping you break down a door
Please accept me: ONE!
bugbrained moron: TWO!
kick me: screw it!
Literally a child: I hate this school omfg all I wanted was to eat cookies and wallow in self pity
Sherlock No: same

((Part 2? I really liked writing this, Lol))

Word count - 518

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