(H) The DR squad watch a horror movie with a horror loving S/O

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Requested by @IsabellaMazaRodrigue. I tried to keep it vague because I don't really watch horror movies :/ Enjoy!

-He never really liked the horror genre.
-He was a detective, so it just felt like another day on the job for him, especially if the film was dealing with gore, whodunnits, and the like.
-Still, he loved watching it with you because it was an excuse to silently laugh at any inconsistencies or clichés.
-It was funny to watch him get startled out of his mental tangents by a jumpscare, though.
-A cheap but effective move.
-You'd always like hugging up to him and sharing the popcorn.
-You had a tendency to jump a bit, though, so it would often end up in your hair.
-Sometimes, after the movie, when Shuichi inevitably went off to his room to read over some case files, you'd sneak up behind him.
-He'd s c r e a m .
-You'd have to make it up to him later with ice cream and another movie night.
-But not horror, God dammit!

-She was surprisingly invested in the horror genre.
-Unless her favourite character died.
-Usually you would both happily watch it with some snacks and adrenaline, hugging up to each other when you got scared.
-But when her favourite character died she'd cry her eyes out.
-She'd start ranting.
-You'd usually kiss her to remind her that you are her s/o and that Janet can piSS OFF

-He likes horror, and loves watching them with you.
-He stays deadly silent throughout it.
-Sometimes you'd look over and think that he'd fallen asleep, so you'd poke him.
-He wouldn't say anything, he'd just smile.
-It was actually quite creepy.
-By the end of the movie you'd be freaked out as Hell and be crying at him.
-You wanted the Rantaro you fell in love with back, not this creepy-ass ghost man.
-He'd warmly hug you and joke about how scared you were.
-You'd deny it but, let's be real, this guy silently smiling at you while a horror movie played in the background didn't exactly come off as warm or cute.
-Though you always appreciated the aftermath.

-Ha ha ha, don't even try to scare him.
-You don't watch horror movies with him anymore, but the last time you did... things went a bit out of control.
-When you'd suggested it, he was all like "Oh yeah, nothing can scare me. Seriously, I've been through Hell and back and you think a few jump scares will make me scream?"
-But he wanted to make you happy and have a fun memory, so why not?
-You sat down in a fort of blankets and pillows that's you'd insisted on building because romance dAMMIT—
-You also grabbed a bunch of snacks.
-When the film started, Ryoma was still being all tough.
-Then, there was the first jump scare.
-This tiny boi s c r e e c h e d .
-You didn't believe such a smol human could have such big lungs to scream out so loud and yet there he was, freaking out.
-Without thinking he lunged a packet of f/s (favourite snack) at the TV, causing it to topple over.
-You were at his place so you didn't have to pay for the TV, so you were more on the fence between laughing hysterically and asking you boyfriend if he was okay.
-You ended up watching a cheesy romance instead.
-And yes, you still ate the f/s (favourite snack) despite it being on the floor.

-She was never really the type to get scared, not for her own safety anyway.
-But if you jumped or got freaked out?
-Oh, she would get a n g r y .
-Say a jump scare made you scream a bit, Kirumi would immediately be cursing herself for not protecting you correctly.
-Once you confirmed that you had not died from a heart attack (which, let's be honest, would make Kirumi sigh a huge sigh of relief), she'd clean up any spilled snacks quickly so you could continue watching.
-It was nice to know she cared, though.

-You wouldn't watch anything with demons or cult-ish undertones because that was strictly against Atua's way of life.
-You never minded that, since there were still great horror movies without demons and the like.
-You liked watching horror movies with her since she gave the best hugs (an ideal trait when watching a horror movie, to be honest).
-But one thing kind of... unnerved you.
-She would always smile during the gruesome parts?
-Like she'd get petrified of very minor things (a tiny jump scare with a doll or something) but laugh when someone would get dismembered.
-But other than that, she'd be great. She'd even make tea half-way through to try and calm your nerves.
-I mean you liked getting scared but the gesture was still nice.
-10/10, would horror again.

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