(H) The DRV3 girls react to a movie night with a tired s/o

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Requested by KirtyGalaxywhiskers. Hope you like what I came up with, sorry if some of the headcanons are very similar to the boys'. G/N pronouns.


-You'd usually just watch a countdown of the best music or something, you were more book oriented.
-However, on this occasion you were watching a documentary on one of Kaede's favourite pianists // composers.
-You forgot their name since you were more focussed on trying to stay awake.
-It was pretty late so Kaede couldn't really blame you.
-So when she watched you doze off she'd just stroke your hair and continue to watch.
-Of course she'd turn the volume down.
-You'd wake up the next morning to an attempt at a good breakfast and a smiling, but still exhausted, Kaede.
-Yep, she stayed up all night to stay with you <3


-Tsumugi would try and get you into fashion shows when she wasn't obsessing over fandom shows (like Game of Thrones or films like Harry Potter).
-Say Yes To The Dress and that sort of thing, since their weren't many cosplay shows out.
-You'd never really mind, but they were actually pretty relaxing to you.
-You never fell asleep, though, since you usually watched them some time in the afternoon.
-However, on this occasion you were binging a ton of episodes until late.
-You'd dozed off almost immediately, so Tsumugi let you sleep.
-All was normal until you woke up the next morning to a missing Tsumugi (who'd probably just gone to bed) and a note.
-'You fell asleep mid-binge, so I decided we could binge them all again tomorrow!'
-Oh Tsumugi.


-Tenko would constantly we training, so if you ever wanted to watch TV with her, she'd claim she needs to train more.
-You'd eventually persuade her by claiming that all good athletes need rest and to watch fellow athletes work.
-So you'd watch sports as she'd 'study the other fighter's techniques' (or, to you and me, rest).
-You ended up watching with her until late at night and you started to drift off.
-She'd gently shove you back awake, but when she realised that you kept falling asleep, she gave in.
-As you slept, Tenko grabbed a ton of pillows and blankets to get a good nights sleep next to you on the couch.
-When you woke up, you realised how tired you were.
-Then Tenko offered, 'Exercise is a great way to wake yourself up! We could go for a run or something...?"
-You ended up barely managing and feeling even more tired than before, so she let you sleep the day away while she trained in the other room.


-You two, of course, watched all the movies from Harry Potter.
-Well, you tried to.
-Mid-way through the second film Himiko was drowsily watching the screen and by the end of the movie she was curled up in a ball on the couch and fast asleep.
-After turning down the volume and continuing to watch you ended up falling asleep as well.
-Only it was four pm.
-So you woke up at one am fully rested and with your sleep schedules screwed up.
-Oh what fun.


-She never really got chance to relax, and was always busying herself with chores.
-so you decided to just watch Mean Girls.
-she claimed to see it as immature but secretly loved every second of it.
-however you were out like a light in a matter of seconds.
-of course this lead Kirumi to carry you to your room and lay you on the bed.
-she even made you a snack and something to drink for when you woke up.
-hell, she cleaned your room for you.
-you woke up and thanked Kirumi by watching Mean Girls again (since you knew how much she secretly liked it) and hugging her.


-Angie loved watching Elf.
-it didn't even have to be Christmas.
-she just loved watching Elf.
-one evening she dragged you into watching it with her as she commentated excitedly about each part.
-you let her have her fun until you got really tired.
-she noticed and asked if you wanted to go to bed.
-you declined, and you kept watching the film.
-something about Angie's presence being so... eccentric, kept you awake through the whole thing.
-you even laughed at some parts.
-but the second the credits had washed over you, you were out like a light.
-you woke up to Angie drinking coffee on the couch watching Elf again.
-their was another cup for you.
-'it'll help you wake up.'
-it took three cups to keep you awake.


-oh G O D
-she'd love Mean Girls
-Regina George was her spirit animal
-and she'd be so loud that, no matter how late it was nor how tired you were, you'd not be able to sleep.
-plus you were too busy laughing at her... inappropriate comments.
-so no sleeping.
-only laughing.


-you two liked horror movies.
-anything that was in the horror genre and that you could get your hands on, you'd watch.
-though you watched it for the thrill, Maki watched them almost like comedy movies.
-'no, he's not stabbing them right, you have to hold the knife AWAY—'
-'Maki no.'
-you'd always be on the verge of sleep when Maki would whisper 'Do you wanna die?' Just to see you get scared.
-she found it adorable and you always freaked out
-without fail
-but you still loved your movie nights together.

Word count - 922.

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