(H) The DRV3 squad as cats

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Requested by @Saysooochan. Enjoy!

Shuichi - Curled up at your feet and purring softly as he sleeps. Also is probably the type of cat to silently stare at you until he receives food as to not make a fuss.
Kaede - Keyboard cat jumps around the house for two hours before passing out on your lap and you can't move. I mean good God, Cataede.
Rantaro - Lazy and never cooperative. What's that? You want him to play with you? Tough, he'll just stare at the laser or whatever and meow.
Ryoma - Scratchy scratchy boi. One minute he wants to be petted, the next he's biting your hand off.
Kirumi - Good cat. Clean cat. Pure cat. Everybody loves her.
Angie - Very sweet and wholesome, but often can get feisty when playing. She'll be casually nibbling your fingers off and you're too awkward to stop her :3 Probably a Munchkin.
Tenko - Scratches everything. Couch? Gone. Table? Wrecked. Kitchen? Oh, don't even start on the kitchen. She's insistent on play time and will batter you to death at five in the morning for a healthy, nutritious breakfast (none of that dry stuff). Probably a bengal cat. Too specific? Alrighty then—
Korekiyo - He just watches from his cat tower. He's not hostile or anything, but he just... stares. It's oddly satisfying.
Miu - Meows loudly at five am. Also, she probably can sleep anywhere. Has a lot of fun scratching stuff.
Gonta - That one cat that everyone loves. Has long fur which is fun to brush. Loves going outside and staring at all the little bugs.
Kokichi - Screeches for wet food. Paws at your constantly. Raids the fridge. Hisses when you pet him but soon purrs warmly. A strange cat.
Kaito - Enjoys jumping off of furniture and staring out of the window. Loves playing, too!
Tsumugi - Never does anything interesting. Ever.
Kiibo - As a cat he'd probably have a robotic limb or something and just enjoy trying to prowl around like a 'regular' cat. Or, alternatively, he's one of those robot cat toys. I'm sorry, that was robophobic—
Maki - Sleeps most of the time. She seems almost nocturnal. She also has unnervingly sharp claws which you barely see because she almost always has them sheathed around you, even when upset or agitated. She only unsheathes them if she feels that you are both being threatened.
Himiko - She thought she could walk on water. Boy did that work out for her.

Word count - 406.

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