(O/S) Kaito x Reader

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Prompt: "An AU where at birth people are given watches which count down to the day of your death." Angst?? Kind of?? Also, this is far from canon and this is (non-canonically) the third chapter (after Kirumi's trail).
Fic title: Fly Me To The Moon


After Kaede's death, I was determined. Determined to end this game, and determined to end the mastermind in particular.
However, time - I simply didn't have enough of it.
After Kirumi's trail, the clock had ticked down to one week remaining. It would undoubtably be a murder. So, I cracked down and investigated day and night.
I searched through every nook an cranny, checking once, twice, another time, over and over and over again. I don't know how, but I found myself sorting through books in the library.
"Hey! Y/N!"
I knew the voice all too well.
"Ah! M-Momota!"
"No need to be so formal, Y/N, geez." He scratched the back of his neck. "What're you doing up so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
I tried to get back to checking the shelves, until I realised that Kaito was standing next to me. Again, I attempted to ignore him. Key word: attempted.
"Seriously, you shouldn't be up so late. It would be the perfect time to strike. Late at night, all alone..." he paused. "But I guess now that I - Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars - has arrived, you'll be protected."
"Thank you." I replied, trying not to look directly at him. Hesitation froze me, before I continued with my robotic movements. "I... really appreciate this."
He glanced at the watch on my wrist. It was a pastel f/c with s/f/c markings dotted around it. A frown spread on his face. "Y/N, is your watch broken or something?"
When I didn't respond, he grabbed my wrist and made me face him.
"No." I simply replied. "But I'll end this killing game before the timer reaches zero. I promise."
He glowered. "So little time..." His purple eyes darkened a shade. They soon brightened with a new hope. "Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Despite being slightly stunned by such a bold question, I couldn't help but try and make a joke.
"Corpse bride?"
"Come on, will you just please say yes?"
I chuckled. "Okay," I said, "I will."


After a few precious days of announcing our relationship (and hanging out during free time and stuff) I noticed his watch for the first time. It was a dark purple with silver marks, as well as an engraving which read 'Kaito Momota' on the side. The timer read one day remaining. No. He was being murdered.
We were being killed on the exact same date.
On the same evening.
When I saw his watch, despite knowing his demise was inevitable, I decided to invite him star gazing. I knew no-one could strike if a possible witness was around. Surely not?
However, by the time I'd grabbed my coat and left the house, I heard a sickening spluttering from Kaito's dorm.
When I was inside... I wish I had a blackout light.
A pool of blood soaking him, Kaito Momota lay dead on the floor. The last coughs of his lungs, the last flutters of a heartbeat, the last picture of a memory - all gone. Lost.
He was still smiling.
I didn't scream, I just sat beside him. I didn't care that my f/c clothes were being ruined from the blood. I just let the gentle beeping of his watch's alarm coax me into a state of hollowness.
I checked my watch - ten minutes.
In all honesty, I didn't care that someone might have perceived me as a killer who failed to flee the scene of the crime. I just sat and waited.
Out of boredom, I took off my watch and played with it in my hands.
Seven minutes, ticking down to six minutes.
I left the door wide open, waiting for my killer.
Six down to five.
The click of a trigger being pulled didn't even faze me, neither did the arrow piercing through my stomach. Ah, the crossbow, what a classic way to die...


I woke up... somewhere. It took me a second to feel my heart beat again.
"Y/N! Come on!"
Instinctively, I replied.
"The stars aren't going anywhere, Kaito. Neither am I."
Regardless of my claim I ran to him. We were in a large open field, a small cottage nearby and the stars blanketing the black sky. We both knew very well that we were dead.
"I wanted to celebrate out first... day of being dead, I guess?" He smiled cheerily. "And since I have a feeling when everyone at Hope's Peak passes will come here too... I want to make the most of this quiet time."
I don't know how he did it or where it came from, but a ukulele was laying on his lap.
He started to play, strumming the strings gently.
"🎶Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars...🎶"

Word count - 860.

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