(H) NDRV3 boys react to a movie night with a tired s/o.

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-You choose to watch Wall-E.
-while you're busy crying over a fictional robot romance...
-Kokichi is howling with laughter.
-he points out every little mistake and mocks the voice actors.
-you eventually leave out of petty frustration, and he finds you passed out in your bed.
-he tucks you in with a peck on the forehead and writes an apology note about his comments.
-it's a lie!
-he proceeds to go and roast the rest of the film.

-He agrees to watch 'Little Shop Of Horrors' with you.
-'honey, please just watch the film.'
-he's quickly enthralled in the film.
-doesn't get the songs though?
-was it normal for humans to to randomly break out in song??
-oh Kiibo.
-ships the f out of Audrey and Seymour tho.
-you fall asleep on his shoulder
-what does he do?
-how did you fall asleep on m e t a l.
-M E T A L.
-he places a cushion on his shoulder
-doesn't wake you though.
-uses Bluetooth technology to listen to the rest of the film as if he was wearing headphones (bad explanation sorry I'm tired lol).
-kind bean.

Shuichi Saihara-
-You watch Sherlock
-he loathes how blind some of the characters can be
-you fall asleep on the other side of the coach
-what does he do?
-he freaks out
-what's he supposed to do
-he grabs a blanket and throws it onto you
-you fall off the couch
-emo kid™ nearly has a heart attack
-you're okay but he insists you go to bed
-like Kokichi, he still watches the movie
-but he actually turns the volume down

-you're not really watching a movie
-no, you go big or go home
-you're watching the entire Harry Potter series (Himiko was with you but she left out of frustration that the 'magic wasn't real').
-so now you're just kind of watching it :/
-you fall asleep on the floor
-he doesn't wake you
-literally just records it
-future blackmail material

Rantaro Amami-
-21 Jump Street
-you fell asleep while laughing
-Amami just joins you
-you're just resting on eachother's shoulders and sleeping with the faint sound of the film playing in the background.

-you two aren't big on movies
-sometimes you watch Jumanji
-this was one of those times.
-you sometimes got bored of the film and wanted to go to bed
-but when you saw Kiyo completely entranced
-you had to sit and watch his reactions
-they were better than the film omg
-you eventually got too tired to stay awake
-Kiyo noticed you fell asleep
-he carried you to your bed and sat with you all night
-not in a creepy way
-I swear

-If you thought of anything other than Gravity you'D BE WRONG
-he gets salty because he couldn't go to space
-but you just tell him that he will go to space
-even if that meant you had to march over to NASA yourself and attack an employee
-eventually you found yourself getting really tired
-he asks if you want to go to bed
-you insist you'll be fine
-so you both stay up
-all you remember is waking up on the couch
-Kaito isn't there
-you see a note
-'got tired and went to bed and didn't want to wake you. Goodnight my star.'

-you're more into documentaries
-Planet Earth, Blue Planet, you name it
-Gonta insists you both go to bed early
-you do
-you sneak out of bed to watch more documentaries
-you fall asleep on the couch
-Gonta finds you curled up on the couch with a fort of pillows around you
-he leaves you breakfast on the side and just sits with you
-nice bean

Word count - 644.

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