(O/S) The DRV3 squad have a sleepover at Y/N's house

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Requested by @aquafinXD. Love me some platonic shipping lol, enjoy!


Oh boy, this was going to be one hell of a night.
I was well aware of the above fact. I got Kirumi and Gonta to help me prepare for what was essentially the onslaught of classmates I had coming over to my place. Kirumi helped prep food, Gonta helped tidy up the place, and I was organising the events of the night.
Then, the doorbell rang.
First to arrive was Kaede and Shuichi, with Rantaro, Angie and Himiko next. Tenko chased the mage inside, followed by a silent Korekiyo and then an embarrassed Kiibo. Soon enough, Miu rolled up with an unbelievably large suitcase and Kokichi following behind her. Tsumugi and Maki entered in silence as Kaito screamed about how hyped he was at the top of his lungs just to break the tension. Ryoma came last, hesitantly too, and took a seat on my couch.
Everyone had arrived. It had begun.
"So, what'd you want to do first?" Miu asked rather loudly as the chatter had subsided.
"Well, I was thinking videogames or a movie? We can have snacks and everything; it'll be great!"
Rantaro shrugs. "I say videogames."
"Welp, his decision is final!" Kaede chirped jokingly.
We ended up playing a generic four-player fighting game. Rantaro, Gonta, Kokichi and Miu decided to play first. Miu definitely took it way to seriously; she cussed at every little thing that went wrong and nearly through her controller at the TV screen. Gonta and Kokichi teamed up on Rantaro and still lost - Rantaro was spamming Kirby's down and B move, so that was probably why.
After a few more rounds between calmer people like Kiibo and Kirumi and Hoshi, we all lulled into boredom. I put on a random horror movie.
No, it wasn't at all scary. Kaito was booing ten minutes in. At a ghost movie. Kaito.
It was barely nine o'clock and we were all bored out of our minds. That's when Kokichi started laughing.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."
"What do you want, Kokichi?"
"Well, Kii-boy, I want to use some..." he paused for dramatic effect and rooted around in his bag, pulling out several spray cans. "SILLY STRING!"
Before any of us could react, we were being squirted in the face with silly string. It turned out he brought tons - that much could be revealed after looking through his bag - and before we knew it, everyone was covering and screaming.
We were squirting the string at each other, at the walls, at mostly Kokichi (the little shit). Even Kirumi was having a bit of fun, squirting Ryoma right on the nose.
Oh, Himiko and Ryoma were brilliant. They new exactly where to aim, either that or they were just extremely lucky, and we were all covered in the brilliantly eccentric aftermath.
"WOO!" Kokichi screeched.
He then proceeded to immediately pass out from exhaustion.
Soon enough we were all dropping like flies and succumbing to sleep.
We all woke up the same morning with the same things on our face - Sharpie doodles.
Kokichi ran out of the room the second Maki woke us all up, screaming about how pissed she was at him.
It was... a night, that was for sure.

I'm so sorry I had literally no idea what to do and IDK ;-;

Word count - 564.

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