(O/S) Yandere! Korekiyo x Reader

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EDIT: See last chapter
So this isn't what happened canonically, obviously, but it's just a fanfiction that shouldn't really be taken too seriously ^-^ ALSO IT'S IN AN AU WHERE KOREKIYO DOESN'T HAVE THE SPLIT PERSONALITY THING OR LOVES HIS SISTER SORRY NOT SORRY—
Fic title: Masks

You'd always been fascinated by Korekiyo.
Sometimes you'd watch him in class, others you'd try and get information on him through some of your friends. Shuichi, a close friend of yours, had no idea and promised to look into that when he had the chance. As the Ultimate Psychologist, you were determined to learn what made that guy tick.
"Hey! Maki, Maki!" You yelled from across the courtyard. "Can you help me with something?"
Disgruntled by your loud introduction, she sighed, closing her blood-red eyes. "What do you want?"
"This is gonna sound weird, but..." you paused to lower your voice, "...I need you to watch Kiyo for me. Can you do it? Please?"
"Sure, I can do it."
The smile that grew on your face could light up a room.
"But that doesn't mean I will."
You frowned, thinking for a second. Cue light-bulb moment.
"If you don't do it, I'll get Oma to constantly bug you?"
Her face shifted from irritated to defeated. "Fine. You win, N/N."

Maki's POV

Stupid N/N. How could they be so peppy all the time?
Reluctantly, I headed to the warehouse to grab a camera. I didn't have the energy to explain what Kiyo would do to Y/N, so this was the only other (and much easier) option.
As I pushed open the door, someone seemed to notice the streak of bright light that melted into the dark room. I opened my mouth, before closing it again. Rule number one of being an assassin - never call out to the potential enemy.
As silent and swiftly as I could, I slipped behind shelves of items. Behind a box of lightbulbs were some old disposable cameras - bingo.
Reaching for one, I heard shuffling. My heart throbbed in my throat, and I swallowed thickly.
I grabbed a camera and made a dash for the exit, my feet barely touching the cold ground.
My first thought was to check Kiyo's Ultimate Lab, considering the fact that it was Free Time and that was where he'd most likely be.
On my way there, I noticed a broken floorboard. I figured that it was pure convenience and broke some more off. Slithering down the hole, I coughed slightly from the musk.
There was a small hole in the corner of Kiyo's Lab, so I positioned the camera and hit record.
I couldn't really see what Kiyo was doing - I just heard mumbling and then pacing. Crying; no, screaming. Almost uninterpretable screaming.
Then, a sound that made me sick to my stomach was muffled through the floorboard.
The sound was a katana being torn from its sheath. Stab, stab, stab - pink was dripping through the nearby floorboards.
I hit pause and scrambled out of the hole.

Kiyo's POV

"What to do with such scum...?" I paused for effect, twirling my katana around playfully. Shuichi, tied up and gagged, was slumped over with cuts on his chest. "I suppose I could just leave it here. What alibi could I have?"
I paused for breath, wiping some of the blood from my face. The victim had thrashed around quite a bit.
In my defence, I had non-verbally told him to stay away from N/N. All the glaring should have been a very clear hint. For the Ultimate Detective, he sure was dense.
I snapped my fingers from a sudden lightbulb moment. "If I go somewhere now, they'll assume I've been frames."
I had a plan - quickly drip blood in the halls to give the illusion that the body was transported; wash the katana and get some scissors bloodied; lock all of the doors to my lab using lock-picking skills that I'd picked up from Oma.
The perfect plan.
After doing a final check of my clothes to make sure that no blood was on my clothes, I headed out to find sweet N/N. I wanted to admire her beauty, and question how such an angel could be placed into a situation with such disgusting monsters who tried to tear her away from me.
"Greetings, Y/N." I approached her, my yellow eyes glinting slightly. "How is your Free Time?"
"Kiyo-kun! Hi!" She waved, excited as always, and started talking about her psychological interests. I chimed in with my own theories, and we both had an excellent time.
Maki slinked by, watching me with the eyes of a hawk. Did she too want Y/N?
This wouldn't stand.
It couldn't stand.
"Y/N, I feel that now is an appropriate time to tell you something."
The way her eyes flashed a confused glance at me didn't fail to make me blush. "What? What is it, Korekiyo?"
"It's Maki. You understand that she is the Ultimate Assassin, yes?"
She nodded, slowly.
"I overheard her talking with Kaito one evening. I was just out to get some fresh air, when I heard her mention something about you. Something about poison." I grinned under my mask.
"Of course, I will not let her harm you. I just believe that you should think about who you trust."
As if on cue...
"Bing bong! Dong ding! A body has been discovered!"


The trail was a relatively short one. Maki presented video evidence of Kiyo stabbing Shuichi. However, without Saihara, we had no idea whether it was fabricated or not.
"Why do you insist on incriminating me, Maki? I was with Y/N during Free Time, and couldn't possibly have killed someone with her."
I stayed quiet. He wouldn't. I just couldn't believe it.
After a quick Scrum Debate, we all voted. I cast the vote on Maki.
"Correct!" The annoying bear drew out the word. "Korekiyo Shinguji, The Ultimate Anthropologist, killed Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective!"
"Called it!" Oma yelled from his stand.
"M-Maki, I'm so sorry." I said, waving me hands around a bit.
"It's fine." She paused, playing with one of her ponytails. "I wouldn't have believed me, either."
"Now for the brief intermission before the execution!" Monokuma said his last line quickly before freeing us from our stands, and allowing us to question Kiyo before he was dragged off.
My breath hitched in my throat. The gravity had only started to settle in. "Wh-Why?" I asked, on the verge of tears.
When Korekiyo didn't respond, I spoke up. "Why?!" I yelled. "Why, Kiyo, why?! Dammit!"
"I did it so that that piece of scum wouldn't steal your precious heart." He was nearly crying, but maintained eye-contact.
"K-Kiyo, I loved you! We could have made it out alive if you didn't—"
"Wait." Maki said, with a pause. "You say you wanted Y/N to live, but by not confessing you increased the risk of us all being executed, Y/N included. Care to explain?"
"I'd actually like the answer that!" Oma chimed in.
"God no." Y/N muttered, before being cut off.
"So, I spotted Korekiyo all bloody and stuff and instantly knew it had to do with Y/N, y'know? Like, every time he looks at her it clearly shows his feelings. So, I pulled a few strings with Monokuma so that if Kiyo wasn't accused as the blackened, him and Y/N would get out alive! I told him, and he thanked me." He did a little bow, before Kaito glared at him.
"It's probably another scummy lie." Kaito rolled his eyes, and Kiibo added iphis input.
"That defies all logic, Oma. If you were pulling strings, surely you'd pull them on behalf of yourself?"
The black and white bear jumped down from his seat and landed in front of all of the remaining survivors. "Actually, that's where I come in! I would never allow students to pull strings for themselves because it would destroy the fun of this game! I actually added an unspoken rule which reads," he cleared his nonexistent throat and pulled a slip pf paper out of nowhere, "a student may only pull strings for a maximum of two people who aren't his-or-herself. In other words, Oma wouldn't be allowed to save himself."
It took a second for the words to make sense. I directed my e/c eyes to Korekiyo. "I would have loved you if you didn't do this. And for the record, Shuichi and I were just friends."
"Well, I think that wraps that up." Monokuma paused for dramatic effect. "IIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Word count - 1452.

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