(O/S) Game! Kokichi x Fandom! Kokichi

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Game Kokichi's POV

All I remember is waking up in a cold, empty room. Booooring.
In an instant I was up on my feet, glancing around. Weird. One minute under a hydraulic press, the next in a weird white room?
The room was biiiig, too. Super High School Level Big. So, I decided to walk around. It felt almost dreamlike, the furnishings blurry and not very detailed, and each movement feeling like a daydream.
"I've been expecting you." I slowly turned around, a grin on my face to meet a new being. I couldn't wait to meet them, see their qualities and—
It was like looking in a mirror. His hair was tidier, and his scarf tighter.
"Imposter!" It yelled, seemingly afraid.
"Well what do we have here?" I circled the now trembling clone. He was clearly trying to save face, so I decided to crumble that brave mask first.
All I had to do was flash one of my scary faces.
He tried to flash one back, before crumbling down onto the floor and sobbing.
I glanced at my nails, knowing what his next move was going to be.
As predicted, he leapt up to his feet and yelled, "It's a lie!"
I shot him a bored expression. "Really? That's the best you could do? No fake blood, no sense of timing, no acting talent whatsoever? Disappointed, my dear clone, disappointed..."
He frowned. "You're no fun."
Hiding my smirk flawlessly, I began to bawl my eyes out. "WAAAHH! CLONE-CHAN IS SO MEEEAAAAN!"
His face seemed to go from firm to slightly empathetic. Oooh, he was that kind of person...
"Y-You're not even going to offer assistance when I'm crying?"
"Ugh, fine, sorry." He didn't hold eye contact. Pathetic. Like a parasite that had to be cured before it spread. Might as well not bore myself to death in this hellhole.
I proceeded to weep like a damsel in distress, before he blurted out.
"God, shut up, it's getting annoying."
This made me 'cry' more, and a guilty facade spread across his face. God, I could read him like a kindergarten book.
"W-W-Well, there's one thing you could do to make me smile again... but..."
"Get on your knees and beg for my mercy. It always cheers me up!"
Slightly hesitant, he bowed.
"On your knees, Clone-chan."
Once again reluctant, he kneeled on the ground and apologised with a trace of sincerity. What a wannabe.
"And now,' I continued, a smile creeping back. "You have to entertain me until we get out of—"
He was fading, disintegrating like wet paper, and I soon realised that hands were going more transparent by the second.
"Will I ever see you again?" He asked, mildly concerned.
"I'd rather die." I smiled widely as I blinked open my eyes, back in that God-forsaken killing game.

Word count - 481.

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