(H) The DRV3 squad as grandparents

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Requested by @hai______. Enjoy!


-Would say 'back in my day' a lot.
-Would enjoy learning about modern-day things.
-Used the words '#chillinwithgrandkid' and 'the bee's knees' a lot.
-He'd never really give you presents.
-Just k n o w l e d g e
-Basically he's one of those grandparents who make you feel like you've transcended space and time after speaking with them.


-She'd sometimes forget things, usually small things.
-She often forgot if you were in the room listening to her play the piano.
-She'd buy you lots and lots of gifts.
-They were mostly various types of hard sweets and those weird lollies that only grandparents seem to have. You know the ones.
-She'd spend a lot of time teaching you how to play the piano so that she can pass on her skills after she dies.
-Sweet grandma gal.


-Hip grandpa.
-He'd know a lot of slang and had a lot of money.
-Seriously, the amount of money you spent together was insane.
-Being the SHSL Survivor meant that he constantly insisted that he could run a marathon and be fine.
-Proceeds to break wrist after picking up a glass of milk.
-You two often went hiking together.
-Fun stuff lol.


-Let's be real, he'd be a bad grandpa.
-If you needed help with something he'd purposely do a long lecture instead of helping you.
-"Grandpa Hoshi, the kitchen's on fire—!"
-"Back in my day we didn't have fire, unlike you ungrateful kids."
-Knew a strangely high amount of natural remedies for things.
-Also hooked you up with actually good sweets.
-So... that's that.


-She still cleans.
-Day and night.
-All the time.
-You'd offer to help but she'd force you to sit
-The hell
-D o w n
-She'd also enjoy teaching you how to bake
-But she'e also teach you how to survive in a small apartment on nothing but a bag of cheese slices, a Dr. Pepper and a milky way bar by making a gourmet dish out of the said 'ingredients'.
-Helpful bean 🖤


-Would preach day and night.
-Constantly pesters you to sacrifice some of your meal to Atua by burning it over a fire.
-She played a lot of guilt cards so that you would do chores for her.
-Makes you watch her paint and literally watch paint dry.
-Though she does let you help her make sculptures sometimes.
-Pretty cool, I guess??
-I honestly don't know what to think about Granny Angie.


-Fit as a fiddle.
-Swift as a coursing river.
-With all the strength of a great typhoon.
-No but seriously, you both fight all the time.
-She often tricks you into thinking you've hurt her before utterly d e m o l i s h i n g you.
-You're doing most of the cooking because, let's be real, she wouldn't just give you food poisoning, she'd give you ten strokes at once.
-Though she insists only to cook vegan food.
-And buy it from the farmer's market every day.
-And make sure you didn't buy it from a male.
-Overall, a weird bab.


-Run far away right now
-Because he will find you
-And he will drag you into a two hour long lecture.
-He has a massive library which you kind of like.
-But he has sooooo many things to say.
-Though for every ten things he talks about, one of them will be interesting.
-So interesting that you feel as though the planets have aligned as you speak and that time and space is dead yet eternal as he continues on to talk about the sale at your local supermarket.
-Though he does let you touch his hair.
-Don't even pretend like you don't want to.

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