(O/S) Chihiro x Fem! Reader

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Requested by KirtyGalaxywhiskers. Thanks for all of the recent support, and I hope you enjoy 🖤
Fic title: The Coder's Keepsake.


It all started with the sandbox.
I was playing around messing around with some trucks. My parents had raised me with both masculine and feminine toys, and though I definitely leant towards feminine toys more I still enjoyed occasionally playing with trucks.
That's until a little boy walked past, about my age. He had quite short and dishevelled hair which was a nice shade of chestnut with gleaming amber eyes.
"Hello!" I beamed up at him, holding a truck out to him. "Wanna play with my trucks?"
"R-Really? I mean, s-s-sure... I'm Chihiro, by the way..."
"Y/N L/N!"
He sat down gently in the sand next to me and softly rolled the toy vehicle across the sand. He stared at it intensely, almost sadly, as its wheels rolled along the course ground.
He sniffed, his eyes pricking with tears.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder.
He sniffed and blinked the tears from his eyes. "I don't wanna be a boy..."
"Oh!" I said, sounding surprised. That's when an idea came to mind. Gesturing for him, them, to wait I rooted through my backpack which I'd brought with me to find something.
My doll. Dolly as I'd insisted on calling her.
I handed it to them, and their face went from sad to confused.
"What's... what's this?"
"It's a doll. Dolly. You can change the name if you want. I just thought—"
Before I could finish my new friend threw their arms around me and started sobbing.
"Thank you. I hope we meet again someday."
Their parents seemed to be calling for them. They went away.
Now, of course, with life being the way it was we never saw each other again. When I was old enough to get a social media I did find his - or should I say her - Instagram where she was comfortably female. I never tried to follow her. That would just be weird.
However that all changed when that dumb bear got involved with everything.

Chihiro's POV

Being told to kill was so vile, but being aware of Y/N being under a constant threat was torture. Though I'd never have the guts to talk to her (since she might accidentally let my true identity slip or, even worse, not remember me at all and everything would then be super awkward) I watched her at lunch and occasionally made excuses to speak with her. Like if I needed help with a coding prompt I'd go straight to her.
Then Maizono died.
Then Leon got executed.
And I was on the verge of a breakdown when the next weekly motive got released.
That's when I finally decided that I had to speak with Y/N.
It was about an hour after the motive's release when I knocked on her dorm's door.
It opened with little hesitation.
"Ah, Chihiro, what's up?"
"M-May I come in? I have something I must discuss with you."
She gave me a brief glance up and down. Was she really that suspicious of me?
"Okay," she decided verbally, "But I'm leaving the door unlocked."
"Whatever makes you more comfortable."
She perched herself on her bed and gestured for me to copy her behaviour.
"You... are Y/N."
"I remember you from the park all those years ago."
Her breathing hitched, so I continued.
"You and I think alike..." I said, my confidence gaining slightly, "And I was wondering if you could help me?"
"...Go on...?"
"It's about the motives that we got this week. Mine was, well, I'm pretty sure you can guess," I paused to chuckle my anxiety away temporarily, "but I want to go and see Mondo to become more of a man! So... I wanted you to come with me, in case he tries anything. I was thinking we could all share our secrets. Become stronger together, y'know?"
She swallowed, turning bright red. "U-Um..."
"If you want, you can just share it with me?"
"Well... um..." her throat went dry. "It was, uh..."
She paused, taking a deep breath, and plucked the card from her pocket.
I read it.
'Y/N (M/N) L/N likes Chihiro Fujisaki because she thinks he's too pure for this world! What a gushy pile of hot garbage!'
I paused, staring wide-eyed at the slip of paper.
"I-Is it true?!"
"HA HA HA MAYBE—!" She laughed nervously, her face bright red.
She was trembling like a leaf, clearly from the fear of rejection. Swiftly I pecked her on the cheek.
I'm pretty sure she nearly passed out, and now I was also blushing.
"Well, let's go and tell Mondo."


Still in a daze of disbelieving the events that had just unravelled before me, Chihiro and I sauntered to get some jerseys and Chihiro knocked on the boys locker room door since we had to train by the pool instead (since I was a girl and would be obliterated if I went inside the boys locker room).
Mondo, dumbbell in hand and a glare hooking at his eyes sulked off to the poolside. I already was creeped out when he insisted that Chihiro sat next to him.
He was staring at me, just waiting for me to leave. Or waiting for me to show my realisation so he could just kill both of us off before I warned anyone. The latter seemed more logical.
I must have given my apprehension away with the glint in my e/c eyes because Mondo snapped right then and there, picking up his dumbbell and preparing to hurl it straight at Chihiro's face.
Without thinking I shoved her behind me.
And that's the day I died.

Chihiro's POV

I'd scrambled to my feet in tears, fleeing to the dormitory and banging on every door before locking myself inside my own room.
When they saw Mondo charging around with a blood-splattered dumbbell and heard my alibi and testimony, the trial was a piece of cake.
But I just couldn't stand the picture of Y/N's corpse in my head.
So, I found my doll, Dolly, from all those years ago and aired my thoughts.
I could almost feel Y/N smiling down at me from wherever the dead go.
It was a nice feeling.

Word count - 1082.

Angst booooiiiiisssss.

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