(Just for fun) The DRV3 cast goes on a roadtrip: the sequel

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Requested by KirtyGalaxywhiskers. I had a lot of fun with this, and I hope you enjoy it!

"Oookay you guys! We spent a few weeks with Korekiyo's lame-ass sister, now it's time to visit DICE!"
"Kokichi, how far away does DICE live, exactly?"
"I am so glad you asked my dearest robot pal! They live on the other side of Japan."
Cue load groaning, even from Kirumi.
Kaede, in a desperate effort to keep everyone positive, insisted that it would be a fun bonding experience.
Oh, how very wrong she was.
Van A and Van B were parked outside. Ryoma insisted on driving but he couldn't reach the wheel, so in an attempt to help Miu quickly whipped up a 'new invention'. It was literally just a stack of towels for him to sit on. After everyone realised he couldn't reach the breaks, Kaito insisted on driving, with Maki riding shotgun and Angie, Kaede, Shuichi, Miu, Kiibo and Rantaro in the back. Kirumi drove again in Van B with Ryoma riding shotgun with Yumeno, Tenko, Kokichi, Tsumugi, Gonta and Korekiyo in the back.
You may have thought that everything was calm in Van A since the most logical people were in there. You'd be awfully mistaken.
Miu, while cursing up a storm, would be constantly asking to change radio stations whenever a male singer came on. She claimed it made her 'uncomfortable'. The group got the message and changed it. Angie asked to drive within the first hour of setting off, so (reluctantly) Kaito handed her the wheel after a brief break.
Mistakes were made.
Angie crashed the car. Nothing serious, but it would seriously delay the trip.
Thankfully, no-one was hurt, though Miu's inventions which she'd insisted on taking were all broken beyond repair. This resulted in Angie and Miu fighting, fists and all. Kirumi and Korekiyo broke it up since Van B stopped to help out, and promised to pay for whatever was needed to repair the damage. This got Miu to shut up, but she didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the trip, unless a that's-what-she-said joke was needed to break the ice.
In Van B, once they'd sorted out the whole car-crash incident and gotten back in their seats, Gonta started talking to Korekiyo about how much he loved bugs. The SHSL creep listened for a while until Yumeno excitedly exclaimed that there was a McDonalds so they could eat before they go to find a place to sleep for the night.
Kirumi orders everyone McDonalds and then Kokichi goes, "Oh, wait! I just remembered DICE are on vacation right now! I toooootally forgot!"
Maki, who'd had quite enough, demanded that Kiibo drove Van A home and that Tsumugi (who'd gotten plenty of sleep in the car) drove everyone back home.
Kokichi almost got left behind but was thankfully retrieved by Kaede who shoved him into the back of Van B.
They all got home exhausted and spiteful.
Let's just say Kokichi was locked in his room with pigs' feet for the rest of the week.

Word count - 521.

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