(H) Kokichi teaming up with s/o for a double murder

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Killing game AU. Requests open!

-he asked bluntly
-when you obviously hesitated, he got on his knees and begged.
-oma was begging for something
-"B-But one of us will get executed no matter who the others vote for!"
-"Let's just say I pulled a few strings with Monokuma. He said that if we kill the soon-to-be-victim in a way that keeps the game interesting, we can both get out alive."
-you hesitated again
-who wouldn't
-after a lot more convincing, you sighed and agreed.
-the plan was to kill people Korekiyo in his room, framing three people for the murder with 'evidence'. You placed a bottle of poison in Angie's room, a noose in Tenko's and an empty bottle of pills in Himiko's room.
-you struggled to disguise the smug smirk on your face, but Oma kept suspicion away from you.
-"Kokichi... s/o... this doesn't make sense."
-"W-What? Explain!"
-Shuichi knew when he looked at you what you did.
-"You're pointing fingers at Angie, Tenko and Himiko. It makes sense, since they have key evidence to suggest that they are the killers, but how do we know that they did it? Looking at Himiko's bottle, it had the words 'sleeping pills' messily crossed out. Tenko surely wouldn't have kept a noose in her room if it was key evidence. And most importantly, Angie's bottle of poison had never been opened."
-yeah, it was your job to open the poison before placing it.
-"We can see from the sloppy crossing out that it was done in marker. Who had marker on their hands at the start of the trail?"
-you sheepishly looked at the ground.
-Kokichi desperately tried to defend you in the argument armament, but failed.
-after the whole ordeal was debunked, you were both sentenced to executions.
-you died in the same room, both executed at the same time.

Word count - 321.

Sorry that this was so short! Just wanted to show that I wasn't dead lol ;-;

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