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I tried my best to act normal (by normal I mean I still tease her a lot) whenever we got to talk to Moymoy but I can't really help but walk out whenever she mentions Tanner.
During our third year JS Prom I didn't want to attend but I unfortunately had to because I was chosen to be part of the cotillion.
Coincidentally, Moymoy's JS Prom will be held on the same day as ours.
She excitedly told us that she will also be a part of the cotillion and she even got her crush Tanner as her partner.
While I unfortunately got partnered with Heather, a member of the cheer squad like Laura.
"Aren't you going to ask Heather to be your prom date, Ed?"
"Nope!" (oh HELL no! I ain't interested!)
"Bakit naman bro? Mukha naman syang mabait, maganda pa!"
"That's what you think!" I said to myself. 
Truth is, Heather kept on insisting that I ask her to be my date for the prom.
Which I really don't want to do! 
I was just being polite to her because she's my partner in the cotillion.
She even confessed that she likes me so I tried to avoid her.
"Why don't you give her a chance? Try to get to know her and you might see that she's not that bad."
"Oo nga bro!"
Laura and Vince kept convincing me so I said
"I'll try!" since I know I wouldn't be able to date the one I really want.
The day of our JS Prom finally arrived.
I went to Heather's to fetch her as agreed upon.
We arrived earlier at the venue than Vince and Laura.
Heather kept on clinging to me which I kept on dodging.
She pouted her lips which only annoyed me more.
I spotted Laura and Vince and said irritatingly...
"What took you so long guys?"
"Sorry bro! Nagvideo call pa kasi itong kapatid mo kay May!"
"Yeah, twin! We asked her to send a picture."
"Oh, Moymoy!" I sat up straight upon hearing Maymay's name.
"Nagulat nga kami bro kasi hindi namin akalain na magmumukhang babae yung kakambal ko!" Vince laughingly told me.
"Here, you want to take a look?" Laura tried to show her picture to me.
But I fought my eagerness to look at it so I just said
"Nah! Never mind!" trying my best to look away from Laura's cellphone.
"We even had the chance to meet her date Tanner." Laura went on to tell me in a tone of voice that I think is meant to annoy me.
"Really?" and I think she succeeded.
"Oo, bro! At in fairness mukhang bagay sila ni Maymay!"
"V! Stop it!" Laura.
"Bakit, L?" Vince asks innocently.
"Can we stop talking about someone else's prom and concentrate on our own?" I said in a serious tone.
Vince tried to say something but then we heard the host speak signaling the start of the cotillion
We immediately went to our places.
"Dancers, the floor is yours!"

Twinning In LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon