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and i know it makes you nervous, but i promise you it's worth it.
to show 'em everything you kept inside,
don't hide.
{come out and play, billie eilish}

indigo harper is plain in a sense. an 18 year old from a small town in South Carolina, now in LA trying desperately to make it big, kind of like the thousands of other people thar come to this city. a small town girl moving to the big city, pretty cliche, right? she grew up taking photos and riding horses, taking advantage of the rural setting she resided in.

   she has striking forest green eyes, and hair that is an, almost golden, light brown color in which she is simply too lazy to get cut. it reaches to right above her hips, and isn't naturally straight, nor is it naturally curly, just has a bit of an uneven waviness to it. she has a few freckles scattered over her nose as well as a few peppered over her back. at whopping 5'5, she stopped growing in middle school. she works out on occasion, and eats what she wants.

she has struggled with self image for most of her life, always being a bit more round than all the other girls, but these days, she tries her best to be happy with who she is. her stomach isn't flat, it has that pooch when she isn't sucking in or when she's bloated, and it rolls up when she slumps or sits down. her thighs are thick and her calves are muscular from riding horses her entire life. she has her share of acne, but it has mostly diminished because she started taking proper of her face and puberty helped a bit.

she adores fashion, and tries her best to embrace her figure by wearing clothes that accentuate it. her closet is almost overflowing with various types of clothing because her taste very much depends on her mood.

another thing about indigo is that she lives and breathes music. while she doesn't have a talented musical bone in her body, she loves music and entering the different worlds that each song, artist, and genre creates. her escape for most of her life was music, and the joy and creativity it brought to her.

indigo loved many bands and genres, but one that she has always and will always adore, was the band of 5 seconds of summer. she was what most would call a classic fangirl, especially for the beautiful calum hood, and throughout her early high school years she followed their every move and listened to their music religiously.

she was an introvert of sorts, that is, until you cracked her shell. you see, indigo knows what it feels like to get let down, so she does all that she can to keep that from happening. in high school her friends changed, they decided they had grown out of her, and moved on. indigo was used to this treatment, as she had struggled to stay in the friend group for the past 5 years anyway. and came to peace with the fact that they were toxic friends to begin with. she was used over and over by pathetic boys and their toxic masculinity, and knows all too well how it feels to have your heart broken.

public school was unbearable for her, it gave her no time to do what she loved, and she was stuck with the people who have always treated her wrong. the only things that struck a note in her heart was her horse, and of course her camera. after her sophomore year she
convinced her parents that she would be best off doing online school, and they complied.

after that, she spent her days finishing lessons and then either going to train or going exploring to find all the things she could photograph. she took up small jobs like one at an ice cream shop and one at a vintage store throughout her junior and senior year as well as the occasional photoshoot she was able to hook. most just people looking for cheap senior pictures or a cute couples shoot.

once she turned 18 and finally graduated, she knew she couldn't stay in that town. indigo lived in the same house on the same street in the same town her entire life. all she wanted to do was get out. she had money saved up for college, as had her parents. but she didn't want to go to college, not one bit. her dream was to make it as a photographer or with her riding. she has always dreamt to live in California.

her second oldest brother, andrew, is 26. he lives in Charleston and has traveled the world for the past 4 years in the peace vote. he wants to have a more stable and quiet life, but no where near south carolina. indigo and andrew talk about moving to california together, getting small sustaining jobs while they find what they really want to do, although indigo has a feeling she knew what she wanted to do.

the more they talk about it, the more realistic it becomes. indigo's parents have always been nothing but supportive, and she was one of the lucky ones who didn't grow up in a broken home. they wish the two wouldn't move so far away, but they want their children to become the people they want to be, and they promise to help the two of them as much as they can.

growing up, the harpers weren't rich, nor were they poor. susan and fred harper worked good jobs to put indigo, andrew, and their two other siblings through school. they lived in a modest house on the outskirts of the city with a nice sized backyard for their four, yes four, dogs.

indigo has always thanked the stars for her parents, and how blessed she was growing up. they didn't have some huge mansion or expensive car or millions of pointless things, but she had what she needed and a little extra. her parents funded her riding career and bought indigo her first camera. they aloud their first born son, logan, to move out to colorado after high school. when their second son, andrew, came out as gay, they hugged him and helped him find and express his true self. they encouraged their third oldest child, grace, to go to alabama to study to be a nurse.

indigo is proud to be a part of such a beautiful family, and will always be thankful for the life she was given. but after 18 years in that life, she knew there was more out there for her.

2 weeks after indigo graduated from high school, her and andrew packed up and headed out to move across the country.

wow this ended up so much longer than planned hahah but i just wanted to give as much backstory on indigo as i could and we all know most of calum's backstory although i may end up adding a few things ya know

kaylee xx

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