"we don't wear skirts"

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eyes innocent and wild
remind me what it's like
oh, and i could easily lose my mind
{georgia, vance joy}


when andy told us he thought he found his replacement, i expected a guy similar to andy himself.

what i wasn't expecting, was indigo.

he told us her name and that it was a girl before she came in, but that still didn't prepare me for her.

when she walked in behind andy with her head down, i was thoroughly surprised. she was short, and not all that thin. she had a little black dress on that went to mid thigh, and a jean jacket that was much too large for her. she was, in fact, really fucking adorable.

when she lifted her head to look at us, i swooned right there on the spot. i couldn't think of a thing to say. her eyes were a pale, yet piercing green, and her nose turned up a bit at the end. she was truly gorgeous.

ashton was the first to speak, of course, however she was too busy staring at us wide eyed to listen to what he was saying.

when she finally snapped out of it, she finally spoke. her voice was quiet and unsure, with a slight stutter. it was obvious andy didn't tell her she would be meeting us today, the poor girl. she was obviously completely flabbergasted, we usually have that kind of effect on girls, especially our fans.

i wanted to say something, i really did, but i just didn't know what to say. i didn't want to blurt out something embarrassing or stupid. so i just kept my mouth shut.

when we all sat down, i took my time to study her. she had a lot of nervous ticks. her right leg was constantly bouncing slightly, she fidgeted with her hands a lot, and when she was listening to someone she would take her bottom lip in between her teeth, which by the way, was really fucking hot.

i'd be lying if i said she wasn't attractive. she wasn't just cute, she was gorgeous. her hair was long, it reached halfway down her back and was a wavy light brown. she didn't cross her leg over the other, but only crossed at her ankles.

as i was looking at her, she continuously glanced at me nervously. i didn't really care that she knew i was staring. i knew it was a pretty dick move for me to make her uncomfortable, but i have to admit i liked seeing her all flustered over it. the thought of her nervous because of me, made me smirk.

andy had shown us her pictures before she came, and they were fantastic, so i knew already she was going to get the job. before andy the four of us agreed on only male photographers, but andy was adamant on hiring indigo. i was hesitant at first, but after seeing her, i really want to get to know her.

just as friends of course, we're on a promo tour, and we have our world tour in 2 months, so being with a girl is the last thing on my mind. i've tried it before, and it never works, granted at those times the girl wasn't on tour with me...

i shake the thoughts out of my head and bring my attention back to indigo. she asked us to call her indie, but i prefer indigo much better, it suits her.

i see her face light up when luke says she's got the job. i have to hide my smile when she stutters, not that i find it funny, but its actually really adorable. the only thing that isn't adorable is how frustrated she looks when she stutters, it's easy to tell she hates it, i think it fits her.

after she leaves i sit down the chair she was in, as the other guys sit back down on the couch.

luke looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "hey cal, how come you didn't say anything, ay?" i rolled my eyes.

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