"my blue wild indigo"

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to my darling dandelion...
when your 5pm's turn orange,
know the skies are paying homage
to the way i'll always think of you
{on the 5, winnetka bowling league}

ps, i love this song and feel as
if it's perfect for this chapter.


i find a certain anxiousness creep through my body as i shut the car door, making my way up to andrew's quaint apartment building. my hands fidget with the car keys in my hand, glancing at the apartment numbers while i search for one in specific. when i reach room 304, i'm no doubt filled with nerves, for no real reason.

i've spent pretty much every day for the past four months with indigo, and we are far past being comfortable with each other. today just feels different, like i need to impress her. it's our first real date, our first date that isn't just takeaway in a hotel room, our first date that isn't in a secret room of a random restaurant with her mom. i want to give her a feeling of normalcy, to dissipate the fear of getting caught.

if we had the time, i'd take her my place in san fransisco, i know she'd adore it. alas, we don't have the time to drive all that way, so i had to settle for something a bit closer. there's a secluded cove not far from point dume state beach, a well known spot. the cove i'm taking indigo is close to there, but is on the edge of a property owned by a mate of mine. he's in hungary, and told me he didn't mind me taking indigo to his beach. i've only been there once, and hope it is good enough for indigo.

raising my fist, i let it knock against the cold wood of their door, before dropping it beside me and leaning against the frame. the door opens hardly half a minute later to reveal a slightly flushed indigo. i take note of her increased breathing, as she tries to act nonchalant about it. a smirk grows on my face at the thought of her excitedly rushing to the door for me.

"hi," she says, still slightly out of breath, as she gazes over my body.

i take a moment to drift my own eyes down her body. she radiates simple beauty, dressed in a simple white blouse with buttons loosely done, giving me glances of her tanned skin. her simple shirt is matched with a pair of tattered jean shorts, and white converse. her hair is tied up on her head with some sort of fabric, and i can't help but find the way a few strands are falling out to adorn her face rather endearing. in her hand she clutches a film camera in her hand. i notice the gold sunglasses resting on her head, before my eyes move to meet her bright green ones.

"hi baby, ready to go?" i ask her softly, pretending to not notice the pink blush that creeps on her cheeks at the pet name. she nods curtly, walking out and locking the door behind her.

"do you mind if i take photos?" she asks me softly, lifting the camera slightly. i nod, a small smile on my lips at the fact that she asks. the thing about indigo, is photography is a part of her. it's an art form, and creative expression, but it's also something she finds comfort in. it's a way for her to cherish her memories and analyze her emotions in a way she can't seem to do without looking through a viewfinder. she's no good with words, but her photos say a thousand. she speaks through her images, and beautifully so. so, when she asks me to take a picture, i could never say no, because if she finds the moment important enough to capture, it means it's something she wants to remember forever.

she places the key in her pocket, and once she removes her hand i'm quick to slip it into my own. i try to ignore the fact that my hands are sweaty, glad to feel that hers are as well. it's something i noticed the first time i held her hand, we both sweat when nervous, so i never need to feel self conscious about it.

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