"i'm just planning luke's murder."

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i'm content with loneliness, because none of it was ever worth the risk
well, you are the only exception
{the only exception, paramours}


i grunt lowly when i feel a constant poking against my cheek. still half asleep, and experiencing a major headache, i am not ready to open my eyes. i feel warm air hitting my forehead while the continuous poking continues.

"indigoooo," i hear the whiny voice of calum beside me. i slowly open my eyes, squinting from the harsh light and pounding in my head.

"fucking hell, stop poking me," i say groggily. i hear a chuckle and instantly cringe from the noise. my eyes focus on a smiling calum inches away from my face, his grin as wide as his face.

"good morning sunshine," he whispers sarcastically. i huff before sitting up against the headboard, rubbing my temples to try to lessen the pressure in my brain. to add onto the pain, i'm also experiencing some really awful cramps, signaling i'm days away from my period.

i look down to see calum set a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and hash browns on my lap, with a bottle of ibuprofen. i look up at him to see a cup of ice water in his hand as well. my bottom lip puckers as i look between him and the food.

"oh my god, thank you calum," i say quietly, still almost shocked he did all this for me. i take out two pills and get the cup from him, quickly taking them before setting the water on the table beside me.

"you were pretty fuckin' hammered last night," he chuckles, making my face go red. what did i do? or say?

"i don't remember much after the shots," i laugh lightly, shaking my head.

"well you asked me to change your clothes... and after giving me a hickey and a boner, offered to give me a blowjob." he said, shrugging. my jaw dropped and if possible, my face grew even more red. i cover my face with my hands, feeling ridiculously embarrassed. my memory slowly comes back, calum trying so hard to look anywhere but my half naked body, looking like a deer in headlights when i took my shirt off. i then remember him changing right in front of me as well.

"if i remember correctly, you also were a bit of a tease," i laugh. "or did i dream that?" he smirks and his eyes shine at me.

"that did happen, but i'm sure you dreamed about it as well," his eye drops into a wink and i shake my head with a smile. i pick up my fork and start eating my hash browns. calum reaches over and grabs a piece of bacon, earning a glare from me.

"sorry if i came on too strong, i'm a flirty drunk," i murmur embarrassedly, earning a chuckle from calum.

"i picked up on that," he said, a smirk growing on his face. "i'll admit, i was quite impressed by the matching undergarments," he raises an eyebrow and my face heats up once more. suddenly the food on my plate is very interesting as my eyes train on it. i take a moment to gain confidence before lifting my eyes to meet him, smiling cheekily.

"it's a shame you didn't except the blowjob, it could've been fun," i shrug. he scoffs, his eyes rolling.

"you were almost incoherent, flower, you know i couldn't have." i laugh at his response, although i couldn't help the flutter in my chest from his sincerity.

"besides," he starts slowly, his face growing more serious. "i do want to take this relatively slow." my eyebrow quirks up at this, as he looks back at me nervously.

"you do realize we started dating within like, a month of knowing each other?" i say, a small smile on my face. his cheeks tint out of embarrassment and i'm quick to continue, not wanting him to feel embarrassed over wanting things slow.

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