"i thought it was time you all knew."

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i want to be the one you remember,
i want to feel your love like the weather
all over me, all over me
{vapor, 5 seconds of summer}


one month later

"i think i'm going to cook dinner tonight, what do you think?" calum asks me curiously while his fingers ghost over my arm. we're sitting on the back porch of his house, laid out across one of the couches. i'm snuggled up beside him with one of his arms wrapped around me, holding me against him. we've both been reading our own books for around an hour now, while duke snores quietly on a pillow calum laid on the ground.

"that sounds nice, 'm too lazy to go out or anything tonight," i respond, marking the page in my book before closing it.

"i could help with dinner?" i ask mindlessly, turning in his grip to look at him. he quirks a brow skeptically, giving me a look that screams 'yeah right.' i jut my lower lip out, wanting to help and not be bored out of my mind while he cooks.

"okay..." he gives in. "so long as you stay away from the stove and oven, if the fire department shows up here one more time because someone set off the smoke alarm,  i'm kicking someone out." he tries to give me a stern glare, but fails when a small smile finds itself peeking out. i smile sheepishly, scooting off him so that we can both get up.

"it's only happened twice calum, and i'm pretty sure the damn thing is rigged." i roll my eyes as i speak, standing in front of him now with my arms crossed. he laughs loudly, his eyes closing as he does.

"i believe those burnt bagel bites would beg to differ baby, and two times in only two weeks is definitely saying something," he says between laughs, shaking his head as he looks down to me. i glare at him, my eyes narrowing at his words.

"and what exactly is it saying, hm?" i ask daringly. his laughing has quieted down, and now he's biting back his grin. he dips down, kissing my temple softly, before hovering beside my face.

"it says, that you're shit at cooking," he says as sweetly as possible, before standing back up. i gasp dramatically, before shooting my hand out and smacking his chest lightly. this, of course, only causes calum to burst into another fit of laughter, his head falling back slightly.

"fine then. you can cook dinner yourself. duke and i will just watch and make fun of the weird concentration faces you make while you cook," i huff out, spinning on my heel and walking over to where duke lays, crouching down to his level.

"c'mon buddy, we're goin' inside now," i speak softly while shaking him slightly. he stands up immediately, stretching for a second before following me inside. calum trails behind, still laughing at his hilarious joke.

once in the kitchen, i hop up onto one of the high chairs at the bar, leaning against my elbows. calum walks around the bar, getting busy with pulling out everything he needs. i watch curiously as he turns the stove on, and starts measuring things into a mixing bowl.

"what're we having?" i ask, making him look up at me. he smiles excitedly at the question.

"your favorite," he responds cheekily, his eyes shining at me before he turns to get something out of the fridge. he pulls out a thawed chicken from the fridge. i didn't even notice that he put it in there, he must have planned to cook dinner anyway.

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