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the next chapter is one that took me only an hour to write. simply because it comes from a personal experience that happens to me early this summer.

it touches on the horrors of addiction (gambling) as well as legal issues such as embezzlement and tax evasion. this topic will be discussed more throughout the book as well there will be triggering topics in this story, and this is actually one of the lighter topics. i'm speaking of it in an immature POV, because i'm not a lawyer or professional, just someone who has watched this sort of thing from the sidelines.

please refrain from commenting anything insensitive, even if you think indigo is overreacting. there is nothing worse than feeling as if everything in your life is being ripped away from you, and that most of your life was a lie.

with that in mind, enjoy the chapter! i'm rather proud of it myself so i really hope you guys like it! makes me want to squish calum's cheeks and hug him ok bye

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