"a gin and tonic for the lady, please"

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you don't know me, i don't know you
everything's fresh, yeah
everything's new
{give a little, maggie rogers}


sitting on the barstool in front of me is none other than andy fucking deluca. the photographer for 5 seconds of summer. i swear to god i just about spit out my drink. i immediately switch my gaze to the ice swirling around in my drink, praying i don't embarrass myself in front of my photography muse.

"can i buy you a drink," okay this time, i actually did spit out my drink. well, choke on it actually. i started choking on my drink in front of andy deluca. i close my eyes for a split second, ignoring the burning sensation that resides in my throat.

"f-fuck sorry it just, w-went down the wrong pi- uh i mean sure thank you," i manage to splutter out, looking more flustered than ever. i have no doubt my face is bright than a cherry right now. look at me, tripping over my words in front of someone i've envied for years.

i look over to see andy quietly chuckling to himself before he glances up at the bartender. "a gin and tonic for the lady, please."

i manage to shoot a small smile at him before turn in my chair to face him. might as well try to start up a conversation since i just about died 30 seconds ago, at least try to salvage what's left of my dignity.

"have you ever been to this club before? i've never seen you here." he asks in a friendly manner. i shake my head, feeling a bit calmed by his simple question.

"oh uh- no i just moved out to LA actually, this is my first time out." i respond, probably still looking like a tomato, but he doesn't seem to notice. either that or or he's brushing aside my flustered state to spare my feelings.

"where are you from?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. taking a sip from his drink as he waits for my answer.

"south carolina.." i say, just now realizing how far i actually traveled. i curiously study his face, taking in the shocked expression that occurs on his face.

"damn, what brought you all the way across the country? LA isn't that special." he says, laughing lightly. i chuckle quietly, letting myself shrug a bit.

"i just wanted to get as far away from there as possible. i'm pursuing photography and my brother is out here with me and this was just somewhere we decided to go. there wasn't much planning to it i guess." saying it aloud, i sound like an idiot, picking up my life and moving across the country for no good reason.

after hearing this, andy's face immediately lights up. "you're a photographer? i'm actually a photographer as well. do you have anything booked any time soon?"

"oh um.. no actually, i'm still trying to get my name out there." i say shyly, taking a moment to glance all round the room. i see andrew over by the pool tables with some people, and he seems to be having a good time.

"i'm actually looking for an intern photographer that'll eventually take over my job. the management wants someone young and new, or whatever. so maybe you could come out for an interview or meet the band and crew or something. only if that's something you'd be interested in."

at this point, i have my drink in my hand. and as soon as he says all he has to say, i promptly drop it onto the floor. i don't even hear it hit the ground, as i'm pretty sure i'm experiencing a heart attack, or a stroke, or maybe both. there is absolutely no way in hell this is happening right now. i swear i can hear my pulse in my ears. call me dramatic, but i'm close to passing out.

andy immediately goes down to the ground to pick up my glass,, and the bartender huffs before walking around to clean up the mess i just made. andy sits back up in my chair, looking at me with a confused look.

thankfully, i snap out of my trance, and my face goes back to being the equivalent of a bright red chick-fil-a sign. my mouth opens slightly, shocked by my own actions just as much as he is.

"i-i'm so sorry, i'm a klutz..." he laughs at me stumbling over my words.

"if you wanted to say no, you could've just said no." he says, keeping the amused look on his face.

"no-no god no-i mean yes-i...!" i stutter awkwardly, much louder than i should've. glancing around to see that a few people are looking at me suspiciously. "i'd love to but um, you're Andy Deluca, right?"

he nodded, an amused look on his face, "i'm guessing you know of 5 seconds of summer, am i right?" i want to scoff, do i know them? pshhh no not in the slightest. that could quite possibly be the biggest understatement of the year.

"i've heard of them, yeah," i understated. "but, uh.. your photography is great so i did recognize you when you sat down so i just was really surprised when you offered me an interview." i respond, internally face-palming out of sheer stupidity. did i really just say i knew who he was.

"yeah, it seems a lot of people know who i am these days, but the offer still stands if you're interested." he says, surprising me for what seems like the 20th time that night.

we exchange numbers and chat a bit more. we make plans for me to come meet with him on monday. i leave the club with drew not much later, with a giddy feeling in my gut and a permanent smile on my face.


please remember this is a work of fiction. obviously andy probs wouldn't offer his job to some random girl at a bar. but this is an alternate reality and it's just my imagination. i hope you guys enjoyed and if you did, please vote and comment!!❤️❤️

kayl xx

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